The new City of Tarkio officials were sworn in at the Tarkio Board of Aldermen meeting Wednesday evening, April 11, 2018, at Tarkio City Hall. Taking the oath of office are Mayor Tim Morehouse, South Ward Alderman Michael Klosek, Jr., and North Ward Alderman Blu Dow.
The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, April 7, 2018, at 6 p.m. at Tarkio City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. Mayor Morehouse called the regular meeting to order. Swearing in of the newly elected officials was given by the City Clerk Rebecca Jones. Mayor Timothy Morehouse, South Ward Alderman Incumbent Michael Klosek, Jr., and North Ward Alderman Blu Dow were sworn in. Jones gave the roll: aldermen Mike Klosek, Scott Poppa, Blu Dow and Andy Riley were present. City employees present were Police Officer Adam Stanton, Street Superintendent James Quimby, and Building Inspector Jesse Payne. Visitors present were Megan McAdams, Mike Klosek and Dallas Prather. Visitors entering the meeting at 7 p.m. were Park Board President Ashlee Driskell and Secretary Ashley Alsup.
The Mayor asked for approval of the minutes of the March 8 and March 27, 2018, meetings as distributed. The minutes were approved by the aldermen.
Adam Stanton requested for the city to help purchase a pedal car with goggles for around $1,600 to give presentations to the school and other organizations. Dow made a motion to give up to $500.00 after Stanton has approached the school for assistance. Klosek seconded the motion and four ayes voted to accept the motion and the second.
Klosek had a request for the street department to check into moving the stop sign at the corner of 1st and Walnut and asking the Highway Department to look at the ditch that needs attention.
Mayor Morehouse made a comment that he was going to request someone from the Tarkio Board of Public Works to attend a Board of Aldermen meeting at least quarterly.
Mayor Morehouse read Bill No. 220-18, Ordinance No. 206-18, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TARKIO, MISSOURI DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF TARKIO, MISSOURI, ON THE 3RD DAY OF APRIL, 2018. Bill No. 220-18, Ordinance No. 206-18 was approved. Mayor Morehouse gave the second reading of Bill No. 220-18, Ordinance No. 206-18. Bill No. 220-18, Ordinance No. 206-18 was approved.
Mayor Morehouse read Bill No. 219-18, Ordinance 205-18, An Ordinance Authorizing THE EXECUTION OF Missouri highways and transportation commission’s Areement TO STATE BLOCK GRANT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF TARKIO, MISSOURI, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AND THE MISSOURI HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, TO PROVIDE AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT FOR THE CITY OF TARKIO, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF TARKIO, MISSOURI, TO EXECUTE THE SAME BY AND ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY. Poppa made a motion to approve Bill No. 219-18, Ordinance 205-18. Bill No. 219-18, Ordinance 205-18 was approved. Mayor Morehouse gave a second reading of Bill No. 219-18, Ordinance 205-18. It was approved.
Brooks Hurst, Airport Manager, was not present for the meeting. Mayor Morehouse gave the Board information on Bill No. 221-18 Aviation Project Consultant Supplemental Agreement No. 1 Construction Services. Ord. 2017.18. The board voted to not move on the bill at this meeting.
Mayor Morehouse asked to approve James Navin to replace Donny Noland on the Park Board. The board approved the replacement.
The Mayor asked the Board to vote for one “Acting President of the Board of Aldermen.” The President is appointed yearly. Klosek made a motion for Riley to remain the President of the Board of Aldermen for the fiscal year of 2018-2019. The board approved.
Mayor Morehouse asked the Board to approve the appointments for: David A. Baird, Judge; Robert Sundell, Prosecuting Attorney/City Attorney; Rebecca Jones, City Clerk/Treasurer; Tyson Gibbons, Police Chief; Jesse Payne, Building Inspector; Aron Burke, Health Inspector; and Adam Stanton, Building Inspector. The board approved the appointments.
The Mayor asked the department heads from 2017-2018 if they wanted to remain the same. All department heads agreed to remain the same for 2018-2019: Riley – Streets, Poppa – Parks, Klosek – Buildings, and Dow will take over the Fire Department that Ed Hunkins had previously been over.
Annual Audit: Clerk Jones asked the board if they wanted to put out for bid or to retain Art White and Associates for the fiscal audits. Dow moved to retain Art White and Associates for 3 years at $4,500, unless there are federal funds to be audited and then the price is more and Mr. White is willing to sign a contract. The board agreed to retain Art White.
Department Reports
Dow, Fire Department – Mayor Morehouse spoke about sitting down with the Rural Fire Board to see if an agreement could be made between them and the city on the volunteer department.
Michael Klosek, Buildings – Klosek would like to get bids on replacing all of the City Hall windows.
Andy Riley, Street Department – Repairs: Repairs will be needed on the blade for the white truck, which has a few holes rusted through on the top side, and the blade for the gold truck has many rust holes along the cutting edge. Also, the salt spreader is in poor condition. The city needs to start replacing equipment in the future. Ditches: Over 15 dump truck loads of debris have been cleaned out of ditches this year so far and will be doing some locates to remove soil and silt from some ditches that are filling in. A new tube is being replaced at 9th and Broad Street. Gravel: North 3rd Street was graveled, Myrtle St. will be done later this spring, as well as North 1st Street. Alleys on the north and south sides of Walnut St. will be getting some repairs and graveling this year. Street sweeping: Chat from winter is being swept up, the brushes are wearing out so new ones will be ordered. 2018 Street Matting: A list of streets to be matted was sent to everyone to look at. The bid opening will be at the May 9 meeting.
Scott Poppa, Parks and Pool – Ashlee Driskell, Park Board President, and Ashley Alsup, Park Board Secretary, were present to let the board know of the increases in the pool prices. The Park Board did away with the non-resident pass. The prices will be $65 for single, $140 for any household up to 5 members with each additional swimmer/babysitters $15; daily swimming pool charges, $5; private pool parties, $150.00 or $200 depending on the time of party. Chris Hogue will be attending a pool certification class in Iowa soon.
Chief Gibbons, Police Department – Chief Gibbons was not present. His report was sent to the board.
Mayor Timothy Morehouse – Mayor Morehouse had nothing more to report.
Adam Stanton, Building Inspector – Stanton reported that two dilapidated buildings had been taken down in the past month.
Clerk Jones, city financials – Jones asked if anyone had questions on the March, 2018, financials.
The board voted to pay the outstanding bills. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The next regular meeting will be May 9, 2018.