Submitted by Geri Duren, Auxiliary secretary

The Ralph Greer American Legion Auxilliary met April 2, 2018.
Evelyn called the meeting to order. Nancy gave the opening prayer. Six members were present.
The secretary’s report was approved. The treasurer’s report was given and approved.
Nancy gave a report on County Government Day. There were 61 kids,10 auxiliary members, and 10 legion members present. The legion members performed a flag folding demonstration and also showed the proper way of diposing of the flag, with a flag disposal ceremony.
Pat gave a report on Girls State. We have two girls going this year.
Poppy Day will be May 25 with tables at Stoner Drug and Casey’s. Cans will be set at different businesses.
Evelyn and junior members will take the veterans’ wreaths to the cemeteries. A memorial in Helen Fentiman’s name will be sent to the Senior Center.
Evelyn advised that we need to look for a new meeting place. Our meeting for the month of May will be held at the First Christian Church.
Geri made motion that we donate $100 for the scholarship fund. Wilma seconded. Motion carried. Phyllis will look into finding someone to take photos for Old Fashioned Saturday Night.
There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn. Nancy gave closing prayer for peace. The next meeting will be May 7 at 12:30 p.m. at the Christian Church.