The Rock Port Park Board met Wednesday, May 9, 2018, at 7 p.m. at Rock Port City Park. Members present were Jill Lager, Greg Young, Tisha Jackson, Shauna Farmer, Jim Skillen, and Lisa Farmer. Katey Kroeger, Sheena Roup, and Tawni Ellis were absent. City Clerk Ashtin Paris was also present.
Park Board President Lisa Farmer called the meeting to order.
Jill Lager moved to approve the meeting agenda. Greg Young seconded. All votes aye.
Tisha Jackson presented information from JR Chaney for Art in the Park. Art in the Park is a popular event around the United States and would be a good way to bring people to the Rock Port City Park. Clerk Paris reported that a special event permit will have to be approved by the Board of Aldermen to have wine in the city park and vendors will need the appropriate liquor licenses. Lisa Farmer moved to approve Art in the Park. Tisha Jackson seconded. All votes aye.
Lisa Farmer moved to approve the April 4, 2018, meeting minutes. Shauna Farmer seconded. All votes aye.
Jill Lager moved to approve the April 2018 financials. Tisha Jackson seconded. All votes aye.
Shauna Farmer moved to appoint the Park Board officers for 2018-2019. Jim Skillen seconded. All votes aye. They are: Lisa Farmer, president; Jill Lager, vice-president; and Shauna Farmer, secretary/treasurer.
Clerk Paris asked if the park board wants to order wood chips this year. The City does not have time to apply them due to street projects starting. A park work day will need to be scheduled to spread the wood chips. Wood chips are needed and will be ordered. A park work day will be set when the wood chips arrive.
Supt. Hale is requesting to purchase Sloan valves for the park toilets. They are better quality and also recommended by Rick Harrington. Estimated cost is $130 each. Shauna Farmer moved to purchase Sloan valves. Lisa Farmer seconded. All votes aye.
Shauna Farmer reported that the baby pool is painted and the pool has been painted. Touch-ups will be done on Thursday, May 10. The pool can be filled five days after painting is completed.
Members discussed the need for senior citizen activities at the pool and park. JEO came for a site visit April 24, to discuss building a new pool. Katey Kroeger will bring the information to the next meeting.
A tentative opening date for the swimming pool was set for Saturday, May 26.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, May 23, 2018, at 7 p.m. at the City Park. The meeting will be moved to City Hall if the weather is unfavorable.
Lisa Farmer moved to adjourn. Jill Lager seconded. All votes aye.