The Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) board meeting was held May 9, 2018. Present were: Craig Corken, Lori Seymour, W.C. Farmer, Bob Alldredge, Roger Martin, Jeff Meyer, Scott Melvin, board members; and Monica Bailey and Carol Clark.
The meeting was called to order by Seymour.
Melvin moved to approve minutes as presented. Corken seconded and all approved.
Alldredge moved to approve financials as presented. Melvin seconded and all approved.
Director’s Report:
• House Bill 2643: Bailey discussed ACDC/County activities on the bill.
• Business Improvement Grant: All 2018 funds have been awarded, so this year’s grant cycle is closed.
• Brickyard Hill Wind Project: continues to move forward; landowner/informational meeting scheduled for 5/16.
• Youth Beautification Grant (#MakeACBeautiful): Applications are available now and are due August 31. Groups of at least three ages 10-17 (5th-11th grade) are eligible.
• Entrepreneurial Leadership Boot Camp in June: Bailey is working with Dr. Burright, Fairfax R-3 School Superintendent, and Keli Morris with Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation, on a pilot program in Fairfax for junior high students who will learn about their community and work to address a local issue.
• The annual meeting (scheduled a month earlier this year, on September 12) was discussed.
New Business
The group reviewed nonprofit support requests that have been submitted in the last few weeks, acknowledging that 2018 Community Enrichment Funds have already been spent. No requests were funded.