Pictured are friends of the museum from Omaha, NE. They were on board and helping get the ship ready for visitor season.
The Meriwether’s galley is now ready for visitors.
The Captain Meriwether Lewis Museum of Missouri River History is dust free and shining.
The Meriwether Lewis was in desperate need of some TLC. Notices requesting volunteers were published in the Atchison County Mail and the Nemaha County Herald. Several fliers were posted, and supplies were purchased. The weather forecast for Saturday, April 21, 2018, was cloudy with a chance of rain. A Rock Port volunteer brought doughnuts and the River Inn Resort provided coffee. All that was needed was people.
Cars started arriving at 8 a.m. and the Captain Meriwether Lewis Museum was soon treated to a good old-fashioned scrubbing. Several people were on each deck dusting, washing windows, clearing spider webs, using shop vacs, and one man was power washing the front and side main decks. A few minor repairs were also made to keep the Captain looking shipshape. Everyone could feel the spirit of the boat coming alive with all the work being done.
At noon all 23 volunteers were invited over to the River Inn Bed and Breakfast for a lunch of lasagna,salad,bread and cookies. Everyone was back to work after lunch and by 3 p.m. the boat looked amazingly cleaner and even smelled fresher.
There were volunteers from Omaha, Bellevue, Auburn, Falls City, Brownville, Humboldt, Neb., and Rock Port, Mo.
Appreciation goes out from the Captain Meriwether Lewis for all the hard work put into making the Captain look beautiful and welcoming for all the people who will come this season to check out this historical piece of history.
The Captain Meriwether Lewis Dredge Museum of Missouri River History, Brownville, Nebraska, is open to the public from mid-May to mid-October, on weekends, from 1-5 p.m. The museum exhibits Missouri River History from Native American history to exploration and westward expansion. Visitors can also learn about the vessel and its role in improving navigation on the Missouri River. Private tours are available on request.