Gene Bradfield was the oldest male graduate at the Fairfax High School Alumni Banquet.
Beverly Slemp was the oldest female graduate at the Fairfax High School Alumni Banquet.
Members of the Class of 2008 who attended the Fairfax High School Alumni Banquet include, from left to right, Amber (Lewis) Zumbrunnen, Daltyn Burke, Colleen O’Riley, and Leslie (Smith) Kankovsky.
Members of the Class of 2003 who attended the Fairfax High School Alumni Banquet include, from left to right, Harold Ray, Michael Oswald, Kody Kemerling, Megan (O’Riley) Champlin, Miles Smith, Jana (Heits) Kent, and Chuck Rudisill.
Members of the Class of 1998 who attended the Fairfax High School Alumni Banquet include, from left to right, Jason Frohn, Trudy Heitman, Patty (Heitman) Williamson, and Eric Davis.
Members of the Class of 1978 who attended the Fairfax High School Alumni Banquet include, from left to right: front row – Janice (Norton) Carpenter, Linda Whitford, Mike Moses, Nancy Johnson, and Diane (Moore) Hicks; and back row – Mike Gigliotti, Mark McCartney, Morris Ray, Lois (Wallace) Noland, and Guy Graves.
Members of the Class of 1968 who attended the Fairfax High School Alumni Banquet include, from left to right: front row – Ann (Graves) Wensel, Carolyn (Davis) LeFever, Darry Martin, Lynn Pyeatt, John Whittington, and Phil Close; and back row – Judy (Schooler) Curry, Jane (Logsdon) Andes, Deana (Bolton) Whitford, Larry Flanagan, Judy (Mitchell) Poore, Terry Simmons, and Burt Smith.
Trey Agnew, Leslie Bradley, Tacy Mitchell, Keevan Baker, Dylan Jeffords, and Shane Wallace (the Rugrats) were inducted into the Fairfax High School Alumni Association. Seniors Conner Marshall and Karrigan Bowling were also inducted, but unable to attend.
Submitted By Krys Fisher Carlock
The 99th annual Fairfax Alumni Banquet was held Friday, May 18, 2018, in the school gymnasium. The theme for the night was Rugrats with 219 in attendance. The welcome was given by Ann Graves Wensel, Carolyn Davis LeFever and Terry Simmons, all members of the honor class of ’68, with the response by 2018 graduates Tacy Mitchell and Keevan Baker. Six initiates were introduced: Dylan Jeffords, Keevan Baker, Trey Agnew, Tacy Mitchell, Leslie Bradley, and Shane Wallace. Two other initiates, Karrigan Bowling and Conner Marshall, participated in the daily activities throughout the week, but were unable to attend the banquet. The invocation was given by H.C. Pennel Class of ’73. A delicious dinner catered by Nishna Valley Cafe, Shenandoah, Iowa, was enjoyed by all. The initiates were kept busy during dinner serving as waiters and waitresses.
After dinner Jack Vernon gave a short presentation on the Fairfax Improvement Foundation. The business meeting was called to order by President Alicia Clark White. Gene Bradfield, class of ’43, and Beverly Barton Slemp, class of ’45, were recognized as the oldest male and female alumni in attendance. The 2018 Alumni scholarship was presented to Tacy Mitchell. Donations in the amount of $1,114 were collected to be used towards the purchase of a new sound system by the school. Last year the alumni voted to donate money to the school for the scanning of the class composites to be downloaded onto the school website. The composites have now been downloaded and can be viewed at The school is missing the composites of some classes. If anyone has one that is missing please contact the school to see about getting it scanned and added to the website. The minutes and treasurer’s report were presented and approved. The slate of officers will remain the same for next year: President Alicia Clark White, Vice-President Dru Oswald, Secretary Krys Fisher Carlock, and Treasurer Lisa Southard Mitchell. The business meeting was adjourned and the introduction of honor classes followed. A representative of each class introduced their class members in attendance. The initiation of the seniors ended the evening.
The 2018 committee chairpersons for the banquet were Kerry Wensel Baker, Ann Graves Wensel, Alicia Wensel Straub and Dru Oswald. They did a fantastic job.
A save the date was handed out for May 17, 2019, when Fairfax will be celebrating its 100th Alumni Banquet. Attendees were asked to encourage friends, family, and classmates to attend the banquet and join in the celebration.