By Georgia Gilley
The TEC Club met May 22 at Martha’s B&B. It was a lovely day except we only had six players. Despite making numerous calls from a list of twelve substitutes, we could not find two available players. However, we struggled on trying seven point and some other variations of pitch until we finally decided two of us would sit out. Well, we just didn’t hold any cards but that didn’t stop the chit-chat and we could have filled the pages of the Atchison County Mail with all the valuable information that was exchanged.
Janell McQueen was hostess and served a scrumptious dessert she called apple bread, but topped with whipped topping, it deserved a name other than “bread”. It was planned to serve eight, but we managed to send the pan home empty. We put our betting money in the pot for future use since the game rules changed as often as the players. The conversation covered all past and future events and then turned to cosmetics. I, being rather plain, discovered the best eyebrow make-up, what to use to shave off my mustache, (I didn’t know I had one), what makes your hair stand on end, (I’d been blaming the wind), and any number of other products that I need? I tell you that pitch is the most educational game I have ever played.
Pitch news
May 29, 2018