The regular meeting of the Tarkio R-I Board of Education was held May 17, 2018, at Tarkio High School. The meeting was called to order by President Jeff Meyer at 7 p.m. with everyone reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Steve Klute, Sam Hannah, Garrett Wood, Lydia Hurst, and board secretary Diane Hicks. Jamie Barnett came in at 9 p.m. and Chris Yates was absent. Others in attendance were Tarkio R-I Superintendent Karma Coleman, Kari Taylor, Markie Sundermann, Jennifer Peregrine, Mark Blythe, Marla Swaby, Courtney Driskell, Melissa White, Lisa Clement, Dallas Prather, and Cindy Rolf. Tarkio High School Principal Carrie Livengood entered the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
The board adopted the agenda and approved the meeting minutes from April 19 and 30 and May 9. The board also approved the transfer of incidental funds to special revenue to pay certificated salaries. District obligations were also approved.
Courtney Driskell and Melissa White attended the meeting and reported on the enrollment for the 2018-19 school year at Kids’ Korner Tarkio R-I Preschool. They also talked about the spring happenings at the preschool.
Lydia moved and Steve seconded to approve the Heartland Recreation Center Resolution of Acceptance. The motion carried 5-0.
Kari Taylor, Tarkio R-I Special Education Director and Interim Tarkio Elementary Principal, reported on a very positive celebration of Nurse and Teacher Appreciation Weeks. The enrollment is being maintained at 97% and the elementary is very busy with field trips.
Mrs. Coleman updated the board of the future steps in the HRC property.
The board unanimously voted to approve the orientation and mobility contract.
The wrestling team has been invited to join the Corner Conference in Southwest Iowa. The board unanimously voted to approve the team joining this conference.
The career ladder was presented. The board unanimously voted to approve it.
Mark Blythe presented a powerpoint explaining OPAA Food Service. The board unanimously voted to increase lunch prices, which will now be: elementary $2.20 and high school $2.25 for the 2018-19 school year.
The board unanimously voted to no longer charge senior citizens admission to sporting events.
The board unanimously voted to approve the summer school pay.
The meeting moved into closed session at 8:24 p.m. to record and vote pursuant to RSMo 610.001-610.022 and Personnel 610.032 (3).
The meeting moved back into open session. The board unanimously voted to approve the 2017-18 audit to be performed by Conrad and Higgins for 1 year.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Tarkio R-I Board of Education
May 29, 2018