Submitted by Tracy Shewey, Office Manager, University of Missouri, Holt County Extension

We are looking for area growers who have an interest in conducting a soybean fungicide strip trial. Our new State Field Crops Pathologist, Kaitlyn Bissonnette, will be involved and we will have an area soybean scouting school scheduled for Friday, July 20 at or near the trials.
The layout will be alternating strips of fungicide treated and untreated strips for replication. Growers seeking to establish trials will work with Regional Agronomy Specialist Wayne Flanary, from University of Missouri Extension, to help with the planning, implementation and methodology to use for the trial. We will work to accommodate equipment width and will use yield maps to measure yields. In addition, we will scout fields to identify disease levels.
If you are interested, please contact Wayne Flanary at 660-446-3724 at the University of Missouri Extension in Holt County.
Your support of Extension programming is greatly appreciated.