The Rock Port Park Board met Wednesday, May 23, 2018. Members present were: Lisa Farmer, Jill Lager, Sheena Roup, Katey Kroeger, Tawni Ellis and Shauna Farmer. Members Greg Young, Tisha Jackson and Jim Skillen were absent.
Park Board President Lisa Farmer called the meeting to order.
Lisa moved to approve the meeting agenda. Jill seconded. All votes aye.
Jill moved to approve the May 9, 2018, meeting minutes. Katey seconded. All votes aye.
Report on 2018 Pool Season:
Water was 72 degrees on Tuesday. The pool will be able to open on target date of Saturday, May 26, 2018. All guards, with the exception of Megan Stevens, were certified. Megan will certify when she returns in June. New rope and floats have been ordered for the deep end. Guards will be emptying trash cans around the pool area during the summer. The baby gate and bathroom in the baby pool both need to be double checked to make sure they are ready for the summer.
Pool Planning & Design information from JEO:
Katey Kroeger gave a detailed presentation on pool planning and design from JEO. The park board voted to contract with JEO to complete a full pool analysis to consider our future possibilities on facility needs and remodeling to add a zero depth entry and/or splash pad area. To proceed with this analysis the Board of Aldermen will also have to approve the agreement from JEO.
Report on 2018 Park Season:
The park board discussed ordering a load of wood chips for the playground areas. After discussion, it was decided that raking the current areas would be done first to see if we could get by this year and order new for next season. The summarization of MIRMA’s visit was reviewed. Work orders to replace “S” hooks and move the handicap or tot swing to another area need to be made by Ashtin. The Park Board will have a community volunteer replace the bottom bleacher at the volleyball court. A decision will need to be made about the merry-go-round. Work orders will also be needed for the hydrant to be turned on at the northeast shelter house by the golf course and for a large hole to be filled near the south ballfields.
The park board would like to have the Rock Port City Police patrol the City Park area at least twice each night due to extra activity reported in the park area by a local citizen who lives near the City Park.
Jim Skillen resigned from Park Board due to time constraints with baseball and basketball. Devon Sons has been nominated to fill Jim’s remaining time on the Board. His official appointment will take place at the next City Council meeting.
Next meeting will be held Sunday, June 3, at 7:00 p.m. at the City Park. The meeting will be moved to City Hall if weather is unfavorable.
Sheena moved to adjourn and Shauna seconded. All votes aye. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Shauna Farmer, Park Board Secretary/Treasurer