Tarkio High School alumni and their guests gathered in the THS Gym Saturday, May 26, 2018, for the annual alumni banquet. The gym was packed full of former Tarkio students eager to greet classmates and friends they haven’t seen in years. Honored classes this year included 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2018.
Tarkio High School 2018 graduate Colin Joesting welcomed all in attendance and the pledges to the flags and Star Spangled Banner were performed. 2018 graduate Shae DeRosier gave the invocation before everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner catered by Torrey Pines of Tarkio. Master of Ceremonies Doug McNulty introduced the officers and helped everyone in attendance introduce themselves. Madison Ohrt introduced the class of 2018. Bella Hurst gave the senior class response. The business meeting was conducted and minutes from last year’s banquet were read. The event closed with everyone singing the Alma Mater:
Tarkio High School, Dear Old High School
We’re So Proud Of You,
With Your Standards All Before Us To You We’ll Be True,
Of The Memories That We Cherish Thine Will Be The Best,
All Together Let Us Cheer For


Class of 1948 – Raymond Daugherty and Frank Staashelm.



Class of 1953 – Jeanie Stroble, Shirley George, Sue Zirfas, Millie Hurst, Ann Vogessor and Jim Riley.



Class of 1958 – front row: Donna Logan, Pat Martin, Judy Daugherty and Terry Mason; back row: Jim Redfern, Harvey Mills, Earlene Hicks, Sandy Roberts, Lyal Hicks and Gavin Doughty.



Class of 1968 – front row: Janice Mitchell Pfenning, Barb Hess, Linda Wernecke, Vicki Herrick Sheppard, Leisa Wennihan Biermann, Marcia McNulty, Joyce Jones Riley, Linda Hubbell Cottle, and Maycale Jones Trumblee; middle row: Bill Yates, Kent Freeman, Larry Salmond, Gary Henson, Nancy Bredensteiner Middaugh, Mark Stevenson, Linda Martin Bright, Carl Smith, Deborah Gehlken Bradley, Nancy Hannah Comtois, Wanda Sickman Samson, Edna McIntosh Chastain, and Bev Chambers Christians; back row: Jerry M. Pendergrass, Marcus Borowicz, J. Stephen Erickson, Randy Strautman, and Jim Brown.



Class of 1973 – Martha Shaffer, Corliss Gibbons, Sue Davis, Sarah Salmond, Denise Jackson, Carol Sundermann, Cherie Beason and Carol Brewer Kopkos.



The Tarkio High School Class of 1978 included, from left to right: front row – Jan Taylor White, Janice Mather Cooper, Cherie Heits, Lisa Giger, Darcy Vette, Margaret Nocton, and Jackie Aeschliman; and back row – Gary Hogue, Kendall Springer, Wes Bare, Dan Stevens, and Jeff Pattee.



The Tarkio High School Class of 1988 included Rhonda Reumann.



Class of 1993 – Tressa Whittington and Julie Holtz Livengood.



Class of 2018 – Melissa Lang, Bella Hurst, Colin Joesting, and Shae DeRosier.