Submitted By Kim Evans

Fairfax and Rock Port Masonic Lodges, Fairfax Masonic Lodge No. 483 and North Star Lodge No. 157 in Rock Port, are alive and well. Masonry is a fraternal organization that is concerned with the self-development of men but its purpose is learning and charity also. We meet bi-monthly at Rock Port on the second and fourth Monday of the month. Fairfax lodge meets once a month on the second Tuesday of the month at the lodge hall on Broadway street.
Fairfax Lodge participates in the Fairfax Fair selling hamburgers and homemade pie for their yearly fundraiser and grills food during the summer on Saturdays. Fairfax Lodge uses this money with matching funds from The Grand Lodge and Masonic Home Foundation in Columbia, Missouri, to benefit the children of Fairfax R-3  School among other things.
Rock Port Masons also have fundraisers that have been used to help individuals and have used this money for scholarships for high school graduates.
Even though this is a men’s organization we would be nothing without our ladies. Our wives and daughters are also involved in the local Order of the Eastern Star Chapter. If you are interested in joining the Masons contact Jack Vernon in Fairfax or Kim Evans in Tarkio. Kim’s phone number is 660-623-1014.