By Kay Gibson
The Watson Quilters met Thursday night with Anita Armstrong, Linda Viets, Kathy Sloop, Donna Whelan, and Kay Gibson attending. We each worked on our own ufos. Weekend guests of Kay andTom Gibson were Mandy and Kevin Pitzen, Dylan and Chloe, Elk Horn, Iowa, and Makayla Oakes.
Some Watson News taken from the Atchison County Journal from June, 1881:
A. Cahill, who lives two miles N.E. of Watson, says the water was from one to six feet deep all over his farm.
Guni McNeal has a fine cow who swam over two miles to reach dry land.
Elbert Good, of the firm Good & York, whose farm is 3 ½ miles north of Watson, lost 1,000 bushels of corn and 50 bushel of wheat from the high water.
Robert Taylor has about 3,000 bushel of corn which the water did not damage.
Dr. Johnson of Chariton, MO, has located in Watson.
President Garfield has been shot.