P.E.O. Chapter DU of Rock Port has a beautiful queen size quilt on display at Citizens Bank & Trust. This quilt, crafted by Sharon Meyer, measures 105” by 86” and will be raffled off to fund local scholarships for deserving students.
P.E.O. is an international philanthropic sisterhood whose main focus is to assist girls and women in reaching their educational goals. P.E.O. has numerous programs to enable students and this local project is one.
Ticket prices are $1 each or six tickets for $5. Local P.E.O. members will be selling tickets starting July 9. The tickets will also be sold at the P.E.O. Fall Mum Booth at Old Fashioned Saturday Night, September 15. Drawing for the quilt will be held during the Downtown Christmas Celebration in Rock Port.
Contact Virginia Meyerkorth (744-5778) or Amy Moore (744-2445) for more information or to purchase tickets. Help P.E.O. help others!
P.E.O. Quilt Raffle
June 26, 2018