Summer Reading programs at the libraries in Rock Port, Tarkio and Fairfax will start Tuesday morning, July 10, and Thursday morning, July 12. The programs will run for three weeks. Details about the programs are available to everyone by visiting or calling your local library or check the Library’s website at!
This summer’s reading program, “Libraries Rock,” will feature a variety of topics about sound. Topics might be: how do you create sound, how does sound travel, and how do you hear sounds. There might be some music making too, or just a lot of noise!
Library Director Janice Rosenbohm wants parents and grandparents to know “this is a wonderful opportunity for your children to enjoy being in the library. They will benefit from engaging with the wonderful volunteers who will present fun-filled, fact-filled events. Make plans to join the fun by visiting the library or calling: Rock Port – 660-744-5404, Tarkio – 660-736-5832, or Fairfax – 660-686-2204.”
Children who attend the Thursday reading programs can also sign up for a special event that has been planned for them. They can attend a performance of the musical “A Year With Frog And Toad” at the Brownville Village Theatre on Wednesday, July 18, at 7:30 p.m., reception following, as guests of the Atchison County Library. Families of the readers (age 6 and older) will be guests also as long as space is available. Everyone is encouraged to sign up now!
Sign up for Summer Reading
June 26, 2018