Submitted by Jan Taylor White

Community Hos­pital-Fairfax Auxiliary had its monthly meeting on June 21, 2018, with 10 members present. President Sarah opened the meeting and members recited the Aux­iliary Prayer. Roger Steinkruger, Hospital CEO, gave a very informative administrative report. There are many great things happening in our local hospital and clinics.
Our organization helped with the Drug Take Back Program on Saturday morning, June 2. We had a successful collection and are so appreciative of everyone’s support of this worthwhile program.
We have many new items in the Sunshine Corner Gift Shop at the hospital in Fairfax. We hope you’ll think of us when you need a unique gift for someone you care about.
We still have our Atchison County Quilt on display at the Quilters Boutique in Rock Port. We will move it to the Gift Shop in Fairfax sometime in July. You are welcome to stop in and see it. Chances may be purchased at the gift shop or from any auxiliary member. The quilt will be given away on Saturday night of the Fairfax Fair. They are $1.00 each or 7 for $5.00. You have plenty of time to pick up lots of chances!
The auxiliary is looking forward to the Appreciation Tea on July 19. Our next meeting will also be on July 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the Hospital Conference Room. We welcome anyone to come and attend the meeting, with the possibility of joining. If you have questions about the Auxiliary, you may call the hospital at 660-686-2211 and ask to speak to the Gift Shop.