The Fairfax R-3 School Board held a regular board meeting June 21, 2018. Present were: Mike Lewis, Jon Graves, Doug Miller, Marshal Oswald, Josh Oswald, and Chris Smith, board members; Jeremy Burright, superintendent; Dustin Barnes, principal; and Karen Burke, secretary. Sam O’Riley was absent.
LJ Hart and Company sent a thank you for the school’s business. FFA recognized the board for their support. Vickie Simmons sent a thank you for the cake and recognition of her retirement.
Board members approved the agenda with additions 9.6 and 9.7.
The board reviewed the minutes from the May 17 regular and executive minutes meetings. The board reviewed the financial report and the monthly reconciliation report indicating a liquid balance of $1,019,323.67 as of May 31, 2018. Dr. Burright reviewed the fund balance with the board, indicating a total balance of all institutions at $1,023,279.66 as of June 21, 2018.
The June monthly bills in the amount of $137,647.24 were reviewed and approved for payment.
Superintendent Report:
Roof Update: The high school and elementary are finished except for some flashing and work will commence on cafeteria next week. Architects evaluated the roof structure in the cafeteria to determine if it will be stable enough to support the roofers during their work. Roofers are worried the span between beams in the cafeteria is too long to safely hold them with only the tongue and groove as the roof. The roof repair is from an insurance claim.  Total cost to the district is $1,000.
Timeline: Opening bids up on August 2 (due date) submitted to the school by noon. A special meeting may be called to review the bids. There will be an ad in the Atchison County Mail. In order to stay within the prescribed budget, every attempt will be made to work on only one project at a time.
Board members voted to approve the consent agenda.
New Business
• Approval of donations from Heartland Rec: Heartland Rec will be donating cages for the weight room and will be delivered the first week of August. Board members voted to approve the donation from Heartland Rec. The old items will be listed on Craigslist with a disclaimer.
• Approval of the 2018-19 budget: The board looked over the proposed budget with discussion, and voted to approve the 2018-19 budget as presented.
• Approval of security camera bid from Midwest Data Center: It was the consensus of the board to solicit bids for roughly 25 security cameras.
• Fund 4 Transfer: Board members voted to transfer $74,916.29 from Fund 1 to Fund 4 for the purpose of a zero balance.
• Handbook Changes: Board members voted to approve the handbook changes as recommended.
• Conflict of Interest Ordinance: Filing a conflict of interest ordinance with the Missouri Ethics Commission allows all board members to forgo filing the long form for COI. It also places the responsibility for enforcement of the ordinance on the district. If a member of the community filing for board candidacy does not meet the filing requirements, the district will be responsible for removing that candidate’s name from the ballot. Board members voted to adopt the conflict of interest ordinance.
The next regular board meeting will be Thursday, July 19, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. in the school library. A special meeting is proposed for August 2.
The regular board meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.