The Rock Port Cub Scout Pack 59 is in need of a cubmaster. The cubmaster is the individual who coordinates all of the pack activities, popcorn sale fundraiser, tracks/supports scout advancement and communicates with the den leaders to ensure they have the support they need within their dens. There is currently a vacancy for this spot and it has yet to be filled with a volunteer replacement.
There is no requirement to have a child in Cub Scouts in order to be a cubmaster, just a motivated volunteer with the time and passion to do so. If a replacement for the Pack 59 cubmaster can’t be found prior to the 2018-19 school year, the remaining Rock Port scouts should have the ability to join Pack 88 in Tarkio. If anyone is interested in volunteering to lead Pack 59 in Rock Port, please contact Troy Cook at 660-744-3456.
Cub Scout Pack 59 Needs a Cubmaster
July 24, 2018