July 12, 2018
The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen held a special meeting Thursday, July 12, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. at Tarkio City Hall. Board president Andy Riley called the special meeting to order. City Clerk Becky Jones gave the roll: aldermen Scott Poppa, Mike Klosek, Andy Riley and Blu Dow were present. Mayor Tim Morehouse was available by phone call. Visitor present was Terry Proffer with Proffer and Erivez Concrete Construction, LLC. There were no additions, deletions or continuances to the agenda.
Farmers State Bank replaced the entire sidewalk and drive/parking lot at 512 Main Street. The street area in front of Farmers State Bank is in very poor condition. There was asphalt on top of the concrete street that had been washed away. This approximately 18×160 area needs to be replaced and would save the city money doing it now while the workers are doing the Farmers State Bank work. With the city doing some in-kind work hauling off the debris from the sidewalk and street the cost to concrete this area would be $22,000. Klosek made a motion to approve Resolution 52.18 approving a contract with Proffer and Erivez Concrete Construction, LLC for $22,000 to replace area in front of the Farmers State Bank at 512 Main Street with concrete. The motion was seconded and passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
July 17, 2018
The Board of Aldermen met Tuesday, July 17, at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. Clerk Jones took roll: aldermen Blu Dow, Mike Klosek, and Andy Riley were present; alderman Scott Poppa was absent. Mayor Morehouse called the public hearing to order. A request from James and Betty Allen to build a 30 x 40 building on residentially zoned Lots 15-18 of Block 3 of the Original Plat of Tarkio at 202 Broad Street, without a home, was made to the zoning board. The zoning board met previously and heard the request. The variance to build the building, at this location was approved by the zoning board.
The public hearing was closed. Mayor Morehouse called the regular meeting to order. Jones gave roll call: Dow, Klosek and Riley present; Poppa absent. Visitors present were: James Allen, Ashley Alsup, Ashlee Driskell and Gene Bradley. City employees present were Chief Tyson Gibbons, Officer Adam Stanton, Officer Jesse Bolin and Street Superintendent James Quimby.
The Mayor asked for approval of the minutes of the June 13 regular meeting and June 19 special meeting as distributed. The minutes were approved.
There were no additions, deletions or continuances to the agenda.
Gene Bradley with Atchison-Holt Ambulance District was present to speak on the lots available at the corner of 3rd & Main Street. The district is interested in possibly building a new ambulance barn and administrative building in two to three years and would be interested in purchasing the lots. The district is also wondering if any information has been obtained on the old New-To-You store building at 311 Main Street being taken down. The building roof has collapsed at the south end and it needs to be demolished.
Jeff Pfaffly, Case dealer from Victor Phillips, provided information on a lease program for a Case hi-loader for the Street Department. The interest rate would be 4.35% for five years. The Board consensus was to check into the price of new hi-loader and an estimate to fix the street department hi-loader.
Alderman Riley read Resolution 53-18, a resolution allowing the request from James and Betty Allen to build a 30 x 40 building on residentially zoned Lots 15-18 of Block 3 of the Original Plat of Tarkio at 202 Broad Street, without a home. The zoning board has previously heard the request, and approved the variance to build the building, at this location. Klosek made a motion to approve. Dow seconded the motion. Three ayes voted to accept the motion and the second.
Tarkio Park Board President Ashlee Driskell and Treasurer Ashley Alsup were present to request the Board to approve shutting down a portion of 3rd Street near the swimming pool to the area just past the ball field. Riley made a motion to block off 3rd Street south of the pool to south of the ballfield from 1 p.m. to 12 midnight on Saturday, September 8, for Friendship Day and Movie Night. Klosek seconded the motion, and three ayes voted to accept the motion and the second.
Alsup requested the City to allow a PayPal account to be opened and have a new bank account for donations to be transferred to. Dow made a motion to allow the PayPal to be set up and Klosek seconded the motion. Three ayes voted to accept the motion and the second.
Resolution 54-18 allowing for a new bank account to be set up for Tarkio Park & Recreation with Rebecca Jones and Ashley Alsup for online donations: Riley made a motion to approve Resolution 54-18.
Tarkio Renewal has a request for donations to possibly take down the old library building and the one to the west of it.
Department Reports
Blu Dow – Fire Department: Dow reported that one of the fire trucks had to have a vacuum pump replaced and the cost was $675.
Michael Klosek – City Buildings: The job is finished with the new window and siding replaced on the Community Building.
Andy Riley – Street Department: The front loader is broken down, and either it needs to be repaired or figure out a way of replacing it. The drive shaft has sheared the bolts to the motor and separated. This is not something that we are capable of doing and will be costly to repair. The department is still filling potholes and will be going around soon and making sure that all manhole covers are patched around so that snow blades can go over them and not catch on them this winter. The new pickup, snow blade, and salt spreader have been ordered and should arrive late October or early November. Weeds are being sprayed along streets with curbs, and volunteer trees that are growing up in street signs or along the curb are being cut and killed. A new trash bin was built on Main Street at the south corner of 4th Street. The brush piles this year are much larger than usual and the plan is to burn it as soon as the pool closes. Unfortunately this will cause a smoke issue and complaints will be made, but there is nothing that can be done to prevent it as the pile will burn for a very long time. The Street Department painted the white arrows again this year for the Summa 5K annual event. Two tubes have been ordered which need to be replaced this summer, but with the front loader down we are not able to do this at this time.
Scott Poppa – Absent
Chief Gibbons – Tarkio Police Department: Chief Gibbons gave his report of stops and cases filed. Complaints were received from an issue at 912 Main, but the parties were told that it is a civil matter between the property owners. Bolin has moved to 2.4 miles from Tarkio.
Mayor Timothy Morehouse: The city policy is that employees have to live within the city limits of Tarkio to work for the city. After a lengthy discussion the board has agreed that a five-mile radius will work for anyone wanting to live outside the city. Riley made a motion to amend the city policy to allow employees to live within a five-mile radius of City Hall. Dow seconded the motion, three ayes voted to approve the motion and the second. The motion passed.
Adam Stanton – Building Inspector.
Clerk Jones – Financials: Jones asked if anyone had questions on the June 2018 financials. The board voted to pay the outstanding bills. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. The next regular meeting will be August 8, 2018.
July 31, 2018
The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen held a special meeting Tuesday, July 31, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. Mayor Morehouse called the special meeting to order. Clerk Jones gave the roll: aldermen Poppa, Klosek, Riley and Dow were present. Street Department Superintendent Jamie Quimby was also present.
Additions, deletions or continuances to the agenda – bill listing.
The Mayor and Board were given the information on a Case wheel loader and trade-in of the old Case wheel loader. After reviewing the sales agreement with the cost and the trade-in amounts, Klosek made a motion to offer Victor L. Phillips $120,000 for the 2017 Case 521G wheel loader, with a 2.1YD loader bucket, and if they won’t take the offer to buy it at the $122,100. Poppa seconded the motion. Four ayes voted to accept the motion and the second. The motion passed.
The approval of the Planning Commission Board members was tabled. The Mayor has not spoken with anyone at this time.
Klosek made a motion to approve the bill listing except for the Proffer Street repair, as there is a place that needs to be repaired. Poppa seconded the motion. Four ayes voted to pay all but the Proffer bill. The motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.