August 13, 1943
According to the office of County Clerk Loren W. Coe, the 1943 enumeration of boys and girls of school age in Atchison county shows 2,828 children. This includes both grade and high school pupils. The total of 2,828 is 322 less than 1942’s total of 3,150. However, it is a natural trend, as the enumeration has been getting less in recent years. In 1939 it was up to 3,328. As far back as 1925 the school census listed 3,576 boys and girls of school age, which was 748 more than the 1943 census.
August 8, 1968
Floyd Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Davis, Rock Port, won first place in the 4-H division of the tractor driving contest at the REA annual meeting August 2. Richard Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Jones, Fairfax, won first place in the FFA division. Second place in the 4-H division went to Rick Meyerkorth and second in the FFA division went to Dave Meyerkorth, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Meyerkorth, Rock Port. Davis and Jones will be eligible to compete at the state fair tractor driving contest in Sedalia.
Joyce Amthor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Amthor, Rock Port, won the title of Miss Little Britches for the second time in three years at the Midwestern Little Britches Rodeo in Sioux City, Iowa, on August 3. To earn this title she won first place in pole bending and goat tail tying. She won a silver belt buckle for each of these plus a pair of Justin boots for being Miss Little Britches.
August 12, 1993
The Flood of ’93 has brought help from near and far to those in need. This past Saturday, August 7, 1993, Rex D. and Brenda Amburn from Parker City, Indiana, stopped in Rock Port and bestowed on Lyndia Schomburg $3,000 to help with flood relief. Rex, the town Marshal in Parker City, the City Police Department and Fire Department set up two vehicles as collection points on July 31 and August 1.
Marshal Amburn and wife Brenda were returning a grandson to Bellevue, Nebraska, and they headed south and came to Rock Port and decided that this was the city to adopt. Parker City is a small community of 1,300 located in east central Indiana. A note with the donation stated “More donations will follow as money is raised. We hope this small token will help a family or community that is in need of help.” This community, similar in size to Rock Port, has to be similar in lending a helping hand to others. Parker City, Indiana, is a community with a heart.