August 20, 1943
Dr. M. Earle Collins, county war bond chairman, writes The Mail that he has just received a communication from the state administrator of war savings at Jefferson City, indicating that during the months of May, June and July there were sold in Atchison County in war bonds Series “E” a total of $124,293.00. This three month sale of Series “E” bonds accomplished two things, first, the county overbought the goal which was set up by the state department for that period and second, the county more than bought enough bonds to purchase a $75,000 pursuit ship, which had been the goal set up as of May 1st. The plan was to sell enough bonds in three months to at least pay for the ship. Dr. Collins says that anyone in the county who has a suggestion to make as to the name which should be given the pursuit ship should send their suggestion to him.
August 15, 1968
A court of honor will be held by Boy Scouts and Explorer Scouts Post 59 and Troop 59 at the Rock Port city park Sunday at 7:30 pm. Top award will go to Don Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reynolds, who will receive the highest rank in Scouting, the Eagle award. Other members of the troop and post receiving awards are as follows: Life – James Cox; Star – Mark Cox and John Ingram; First Class – Orville Lee; Second Class – Benny Dubach, David Phelps, Steve Bertham Zane Easley, Danny Hudson and Glen Taylor; Merit Badges – David Gebhards, John Ingram, Mark Cox, James Cox, Dennis Salfrank, James Forbis, Orville Lee and Bryan Cox. An added feature of the court of honor will be the presentation of several authentic Indian dances by members of the Scout honor society of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. Tribe members of the troops and posts in Tarkio and Rock Port will perform the dances.
August 19, 1993
Daub’s Furniture of Auburn, Nebraska, has expanded and opened a new store in Rock Port at the Jct. of Hwy. 136 and I-29 in the building formerly occupied by Rock Port Fireworks. The Daubendicks have been looking for a building for some time to facilitate their expansion and decided that they would get set up now to be of service to the flood victims as well as area customers in the market for quality furniture and appliances. Jim Daubendick is managing the store which offers a wide selection of Whirlpool appliances as well as furniture for your special needs. The store will be open 9-6 Monday through Saturday to serve you. They are accepting Red Cross vouchers from flood victims.
Old Time Notes Atchison County Mail
August 14, 2018