The Commission met September 27, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood signed a proclamation in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness.

The 2019 propane bids were opened and read at 9:00 a.m. The only bid was from MFA Oil for $1.189 fixed price for 7,000 gallons of propane. The commissioners voted to accept the bid from MFA Oil.

The 2019 fuel bids were opened and read at 9:15 a.m. The following bids were presented:

• Younger Oil: Cost plus .0444 for #2 diesel; cost plus .0444 for #1 diesel and cost plus .0444 for 87 octane gas with 10% ethanol. All were with applicable taxes. Bid was for the Westboro Barn only.

• MFA Oil: Cost, plus tax, plus .09 margin for gasoline; and cost, plus tax, plus .09 margin for diesel.

The commissioners voted to accept the bid from Younger Oil for the Westboro Barn and the bid from MFA Oil for the Fairfax and Rock Port Barns.

Clerk Taylor presented a request from Monica Bailey, ACDC Director, to reappoint Lori Seymour and Roger Martin to serve as directors on the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) Board for two-year terms. The commissioners voted to approve the appointments.

Bids were opened and read for installation of an HVAC system in the courthouse. The bid request was for a contractor to design and oversee the entire installation of the system. There was only one bid received with Bryan Holtmeyer as the contractor. The bid included specification for all work needed to upgrade and install a Mitsubishi City Multi Mini Split Heat Pump system. Equipment will be provided by Lee’s Refrigeration with additional services by Hometown Comfort Crew, LLC. Electrical will be provided by Ottmann Electric and City of Rock Port. Concrete work will be provided by Davis Concrete through Ottmann Electric. This will replace five outdated electric panels in the courthouse and allow individual office control of heating and cooling and do away with the old window air conditioner units. Chad Ottmann with Ottmann Electric was present for the bid opening.

After extensive discussion about the benefits of the project, the commissioners questioned Mr. Ottmann about his feeling on this HVAC system. He provided information on his experience with the system and long term benefits it would bring to the county.

The complete bid for the project was $420,962.00 plus an estimated additional $10,000 to the City of Rock Port for transformers and underground wiring. The commission questioned Clerk Taylor about the budget. She reported that 100% was budgeted in the current year’s budget, but due to the timing and opening of the bid it would be possible to be split between the current year’s budget and next year’s budget. This commission and prior commissions have been saving for the upgrade and have funds available.

The commissioners voted to accept the bid and approve the new HVAC System.

Jim Crawford with the University Extension office stopped in to update the commission on the hiring of a Nutrition Specialist. There were no applicants during the first round, but with criteria changed they already have two applications. The plan is to have a specialist in place by January 1, 2020.

Deputy Rick Sons notified the commission that he has completed the required course in Police Chaplaincy and is eligible to serve any law enforcement agency as a certified Police Chaplain. This also entitles Officer Sons to the ongoing support, training, accountability, and encouragement that the American Police Chaplains Association offers. Deputy Sons is the only Police Chaplain in the Northwest region.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.

The Commission met October 2, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood signed and executed the agreement for the new HVAC system with Lee’s Refrigeration.

Clerk Taylor presented the membership agreement between the county and the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments. The commission reviewed the agreement and noted that for the Regional Council to meet the local match required for some state and federal funding, the Regional Council Board of Directors voted to increase the local assessment rate to $0.56 per person (the first increase in 13 years). Calculations are based on the 2010 census population for Atchison County multiplied by a fee of $0.56 per person = $1,066.80 for fiscal year July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019. The commissioners voted to continue the county membership with the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments for services needed. The membership agreement was signed by Presiding Commissioner Livengood.

Jonathan Baker, Senior Project Developer with EDF Renewables, was present to visit with the commission about the EDF project. He gave an update on the project and confirmed they are ready to move forward with setting the date for the public hearing. Details will be published as soon as the application process is finished.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.