October 14, 1993
• Tarkio High School 1993 Fall Homecoming King and Queen were crowned during the coronation ceremony following the Indians’ football win over South Harrison Friday, October 8. Eric Levings was crowned king and Jennifer Mather was crowned queen.
October 10, 1968
• The Tarkio High Indians emerged from last Friday night’s game as the undisputed leaders of the Highway 275 Conference with a 4-0 record; they defeated the Rock Port Blue Jays 13-0. Mound City is now 3-0 and the Blue Jays have a 2-1 standing.
• The Tarkio City Council approved a motion made by alderman Harry Wright that the city purchase a used radar unit in partnership with Rock Port. The unit is portable, accurate, and needs only one man to operate it.
October 15, 1943
• Senator Clark A. McColl of Westboro was presented with an Air Medal and Oak Leaf cluster in a special ceremony at Rosecrans Field in St. Joseph for his son, Lieutenant David A. McColl, who is reported missing in action over Germany. The medal was presented for Lieut. McColl’s participation in five separate bomber missions over enemy occupied continental Europe prior to April 22, 1943, and the Oak Leaf Cluster was presented for “extraordinary merit and achievement” in participating in five other bomber missions over the same area prior to May 22, 1943.
• Dust rags and mops in a closet, which supposedly became ignited by spontaneous combustion, is thought to be the cause of a fire which destroyed a section of the second floor of the Hurst building early Saturday morning. Mrs. Edith Stevens, Mrs. Blanche Harper, Mrs. Archie Harper, and Charley Wells had to escape the flaming building by climbing down extension ladders raised to their windows by the firemen.