Loren Steven Schoonover, born December 3, 1950, and better known as Steve, Daddy or Coach, passed from his Earthly body and into eternal rest on September 29, 2018. He was a beloved husband, daddy, teacher and friend. His gentle spirit and easy wisdom touched and healed many. Those who knew him knew his love and concern were genuine and ran deep.

He is survived by his wife of more than 47 years, Suzanne; his daughter Samantha; son-in-law Travis; grandchildren, Christian, Steven and Autumn; 6 sisters and 1 brother; along with numerous nieces, nephews and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Loren Schoonover and Vesta Cooper, along with 2 brothers.

Cards may be sent to Suzanne Schoonover at 212 Bayview Dr., Palacios, Texas  77456