Following a walk through at the Rec Center in Tarkio, the Tarkio R-I Board of Education held its regular meeting September 19, 2018. Board President Jeff Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the board meeting room at Tarkio High School with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Attending the meeting were board members Jeff Meyer, Chris Yates, Steve Klute, Jamie Barnett, Sam Hannah, Garrett Wood, Lydia Hurst, and board secretary Diane Hicks. Others in attendance were Tarkio R-I Superintendent Karma Coleman, Tarkio High School Principal Carrie Livengood, Tarkio Elementary Principal Kari Taylor, Markie Sundermann, Deyton Thomson, Jen Peregrine, Brooke Walton, Diana Parra, Blu Dow, Dara Wennihan, Tarkio Park Board members Ashlee Driskell and Ashley Alsup, Tarkio Mayor Tim Morehouse, Tarkio Alderman Scott Poppa, and Tarkio Police Officer Adam Stanton.
The board voted to approve the consent agenda with corrections to the August 16 minutes. The board also voted to approve the district obligations.
Citizen Comments
Adam Stanton from the City of Tarkio Police Department presented a program on the city working forward to obtain a K-9 unit. The K-9 would be used in the county to sniff out drugs. Jeff moved and Steve seconded to support this program. The motion carried 7-0. Ashlee Driskell and Ashley Alsup presented a proposal for a new crow’s nest at the city ball field. The women presented what money donated would be used, as well as the overall cost. They are bidding out the project and the plan is to be completed by February.
Staff Reports
Diana Parra presented the CTA report, which was enclosed in the board packet.
Mrs. Coleman, in the absence of Mr. Lambertsen, asked for permission for an overnight extended trip for students to attend the National FFA Convention. The board approved the extended overnight trip.
Mrs. Wennihan came to the board meeting to ask permission for students to attend an overnight extended trip for National FCCLA. The board approved the FCCLA trip.
The junior sponsors are requesting the approval to have the 2019 prom at a venue in Oregon, Missouri. The board approved the prom being held in Oregon.
Lydia moved and Sam seconded to approve the quote of $48,195.00 for the fitness center flooring. The motion carried 7-0.
Administrative Reports
Tarkio Elementary Principal/Special Education Director Kari Taylor stated the pre-k through 6th grade attendance is steady at 200 students. The attendance rate has been good. In the next week the Book Fair will be held and the students will be doing NWAE testing. Mrs. Taylor reported that the department is servicing 65 students.
All junior high and high school students have been moved to the appropriate age and building. The high school students are working forward to start a coffee shop.
High School Principal Carrie Livengood reported that the attendance in the high school is 97.4% with attendance over the 90% mark at 99.3%. Mrs. Livengood stated the transition for the 6th grade is going well. The high school will also be testing next week for NWEA. The students and faculty have received many positive notes about how they have presented themselves.
Superintendent Karma Coleman stated that Tarkio will be hosting the district volleyball tournament. The CD, which matured at the end of August, had been rolled into another 13-month CD paying 2.8% interest.
Steve moved and Lydia seconded to approve the ACES contract. The motion carried 7-0. The board also approved the additional subs. The resignation of Mrs. Kayti Shrader as assistant volleyball coach was also approved.
The board voted to hire Ellie Dyer as assistant volleyball coach and Christina Hall as gymnastics instructor.
The quote for stairs/sidewalk and parking lot/drive on the west side of the rec was discussed.
Policy updates: PR 2260 Homeless Students; PR 2760 Students in Foster Care; PR – 1300 Prohibition against Harassment, Discrimination, & Retaliation; R 2673 – Reporting Violent Acts; R 6145 – Service Animals in School; R 6250 – Instruction for Students with Disabilities; P 1445 – Organ Transplant; P 2745 – Electronic Data Breach; PR 2765 – Transfer of Care & Custody; P 2810 – Guidance & Counseling Services; P 2825 – Act Administration; PR 2850 – Inoculation of Students; P – 3470 – ADA for EC Programs; PR 4130 – Certificated Staff Contracts; PR 4411 – Profession Development Program; P 4560 – Teacher Post Retirement Option; PR 4831 – Collective Bargaining; PF 4865 – Whistleblower Protection; P 5610 – School Bus Driver; P 6116 – Human Sexuality Curriculum; P 6140 – Services for Student with Disabilities; P 6160 – Gifted Education; P 6190 – Virtual Education; P 7230 – Prevailing Wage; PR 3165 – Procurement Standards; and P 4550 – Retirement Compensation. Chris moved and Sam seconded to approve the above policies as presented. The motion carried 7-0. PR 1310, PR 4810, PR 2130, and PR 6273 – Chris moved and Garrett seconded to delete the above policies. The motion carried 7-0.
Chris moved and Lydia seconded to approve the scorer’s table quote of $6,800.00. The motion carried 7-0.
Steve moved and Sam seconded to approve the substitute policy update to policy 4510. The motion carried 7-0.
I. Pole Vault Mats/Standards
J. Fuel Bids
K. Sound System Quote
L. Abandoned School Property
The district was contacted in regards to abandoned school property of country schools. Chris moved and Lydia seconded to approve Quit Claim Deeds for these properties. The motion carried 7-0.
Steve moved and Chris seconded to approve the new scoreboard at HRC in the amount of $20,475.00. The motion carried 7-0.
The meeting moved into closed session pursuant to RSMo 610.021- 610.022 at 8:59 p.m. The meeting moved out of closed and then was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.