The Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) held a board meeting October 9, 2018. Board members present were Craig Corken, Lori Seymour, Scott Melvin, Bob Alldredge, and Roger Martin (via conference call). Also present were Monica Bailey and Carol Clark,
Melvin moved to approve minutes as amended. Corken seconded and all approved.
Alldredge moved to approve financials as presented. Melvin seconded and all approved.
Director’s Report
Careers on Wheels was held September 28, with 40 freshmen and 10 businesses participating.
The annual meeting was held September 12. Speakers, attendance and food were excellent.
Bailey is researching community assessment/asset mapping programs.
The Outlaw Wind Project continues final negotiations. Brickyard Hill continues work on land leases.
Old Business
#MakeACBeautiful grant award amounts were discussed. Melvin moved to award $500 to each of the three grant projects: Fairfax 6th Grade Guidance Class (paint picnic tables and plant flowers in park, paint ball field bathrooms); Tarkio FBLA (assist Tarkio Renewal with Main Street planters); and Tarkio Parks & Recreation Junior Members (replace crow’s nest at baseball field).
New Business
Board members reviewed an updated nonprofit support request from the Tarkio Rodeo board. Martin motioned that this be tabled until January, when ACDC’s new budget year begins. Melvin seconded and all approved. Bailey will get an updated donation status from the rodeo board at that time.
Details of the 2019 Business Improvement Grant program were discussed. Melvin motioned that ACDC award three $3,000 grants in 2019. Grant projects must be at least $10,000 and will be ranked based on economic impact (additional services or employees, etc.). One grant will be awarded to each of three areas (Fairfax, Rock Port/Watson, and Tarkio/Westboro), assuming applications are received from all three locations. Alldredge seconded, and all approved.
Bailey reviewed with the board the current draft of the ACDC/Atchison County agreement, which needs to be approved and signed by both the Atchison County Commission and current ACDC board members. ACDC board members had no objections to the draft. Bailey will work with Atchison County Clerk Taylor to request that the commissioners sign and approve the agreement, and will have ACDC board members sign off at an upcoming meeting.
Board members discussed the cost and relative value of traditional audits for ACDC. The board feels that the annual cost of at least $5,000 for a traditional yearly audit far exceeds the value it provides. Therefore, the board and staff will work to formalize a plan of action potentially involving outside review of regular transactions to ensure that sound financial policies are followed. Bailey will present ideas at the next meeting.
The meeting was then adjourned.