October 21, 1993

• Lord’s Acre Day 1993 was termed a huge success raising $18,269.50. for the United Methodist Church in Westboro, Missouri. This event, which was held in Westboro on Saturday, October 9, 1993, was the 53rd annual festival held by the church.

October 17, 1968

• Tarkio High School students gathered Thursday, October 10, at the New Orleans building to hold their annual Snake Dance prior to homecoming. At 7:00 p.m., the line began to move up Main Street, with the students chanting cheers as the cheerleaders led the traditional line to the bus barn, where the bonfire was held. A trial of the boys’ and girls’ muscles was put forth when a car, provided by Ryland Coe, was beaten by sledge hammers.

• In midsummer, a farmer west of Tarkio reported to the sheriff’s office that a large bag of some kind of vegetable material had been found in a fence row on his farm. The sack of freshly-gathered marijuana was brought to the jail and thrown under a table for safe-keeping. Recently, it was discovered that the juice from the plant had seeped from the sack and had eaten entirely through a heavy lineoleum floor covering and had penetrated the wood below. Officials are now convinced that marijuana is strong stuff!

October 22, 1943

• The pupils of the Tarkio grade school are engaged in a queen contest, the purpose of which is to promote the sale of war savings bonds and stamps. A total of $748.35 has been sold at the grade school building to students since September 7. At an election held by the pupils last Friday, three little girls were chosen for queen candidates. They are Patricia Browning of grade four, Patricia McCoy of grade five, and Barbara Lindsay of grade six. The queen will be crowned when the contest ends November 5.