Rock Port White 3rd and 4th grade Optimist flag football
The White 3rd and 4th grade Rock Port Optimist Flag Football Team included, front row, left to right: Brylea Shrader, Westyn Amthor. Middle row: Dayton Hays, Jaydn Geib, Blake Herron, Aidan Smyser, Logan Ellis, Rylan Hunter and Reid Ellis. Back row: coaches Brock Martin and Demian Ellis. (Submitted photo)
Rock Port Blue 3rd and 4th grade Optimist flag football
The Blue Rock Port Optimist Flag Football Team included, front row, left to right: Gabe Gebhards, Desmond Chaney, John Gillem and Tennyson Lansdown. Back row: coach Jarod Meyerkorth, Leah Meyerkorth, Brock Sebek-Holmes, Jayden Barbee, Jack Meyerkorth, Cole White and coach Chris Gebhards. (Submitted photo)