The Atchison County Commission met October 4, 2018. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.
Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.
Monthly department reports were reviewed and approved.
The commission opened the 2019 road rock bids at 9:30 a.m. There were two bids received. Also present for the bid opening were Nick Jameson with Schildberg Construction Company, and Road and Bridger Supervisor Adam Meyer.
Bids were as follows:
• Norris (Maitland Quarry): 1¼” crushed stone, $11.45 per ton; 1” base rock, $11.45 per ton; 2” road rock, $11.45 per ton; rip rap, $11.60 per ton; and backfill, $8.30 per ton.
• Schildberg (Graham Quarry): 1¼” crushed stone, $11.10 per ton; 1” base rock, $11.15 per ton; 2 1/2” road rock, $11.15 per ton; and rip rap, $11.90 per ton.
• Schildberg (Shambaugh Quarry): 1¼” crushed stone, $12.10 per ton; 1” base rock, $11.85 per ton; 2 1/2” road rock, $11.85 per ton; and rip rap, $12.40 per ton.
All bids were tabled for review. After review, Supervisor Meyer recommended accepting all bids for 2019 road rock. The commissioners voted to accept all bids for 2019 road rock.
Emergency Management Director Rhonda Wiley was in to update the commission on Missouri River concerns with the upcoming rains predicted. Presiding Commissioner Livengood contacted Representative Allen Andrews about the concerns and Rep. Andrews said he would immediately contact Senator Dan Hegeman, Congressman Sam Graves, and Senator Roy Blunt.
In addition, she reported that she had been contacted by Richard Oswald, Fairfax, about concerns related to a levee built up by Dennis Erickson. Wiley reported that she has contacted Mr. Erickson and is waiting on a permit request and elevation certificate that proves that the levee elevation is one foot below the floor beam of the Kirby Bridge. The FEMA Flood Plain Program requires these permits and documentation in order for the county to be in compliance. The commission requested that a certified registered letter be sent to Mr. Erickson requesting the information that is required.
Clerk Taylor reported that there was a three day jury trial scheduled for next week.
The commission adjourned.