October 29, 1943
Rock Port followers of the Blue Jays journeyed to Tarkio Friday evening enmasse to watch their favorites down the eastsiders in the annual football game between the two teams. The local rooters had the satisfaction of seeing the Jays win the game by a score of 9 to 0. The turnout at the game was without question the largest crowd that will see a football game in Tarkio this season, as few visiting towns will send as many spectators with their teams as did Rock Port. It is said that when the Jays play in the college town, the crowds are far greater than attend any other contest there, whether it is a college or high school competition. The same is usually true when Tarkio plays a return game in Rock Port. No other game on the schedule attracts the attendance than does a Tarkio-Rock Port contest.
October 31, 1968
Highest award in Girl Scouting, the First Class Badge, was presented to Fran Cox Sunday night at an awards ceremony at the First Lutheran Church in Rock Port. Girl Scouts of the Rock Port area held the court of awards at which many girls of the three troops received a number of badges and pins.
The Rock Port marching band, led by Drum Major Roger Foster and Director Kenneth Greiner, took second place at the Tarkio College homecoming October 19. The band was in competition with bands from Mt. Ayr, Tarkio and Fairfax. Mt. Ayr and Tarkio took first and third respectively.
October 28, 1993
Coach Cline received the Assistant Wrestling Coach of the Year at the Missouri Wrestling Association’s fall awards banquet and clinic held at Jefferson City October 22-23. Coach Johnson stated that “Coach Cline has been a loyal assistant for 9 years at Rock Port. He is supportive of not only wrestling in Rock Port, but the sport of wrestling in general. Coach Cline not only deserves the award, he has earned it.” Coach Johnson received a 10 year award.
After twenty-five years on Main Street, Rock Port Plumbing has moved 1 1/4 miles west on Hwy. 136. They built a new building to house their operation. Rock Port Plumbing has been serving the Rock Port area for forty plus years.