The regular meeting of the Tarkio R-I Board of Education was called to order by board president Jeff Meyer at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 17, 2018, at Tarkio High School. Those attending were: board members Chris Yates, Steve Klute, Jamie Barnett, Garrett Wood, Lydia Hurst, and board secretary, Diane Hicks,  Sam Hannah came in at 7:05 p.m; and Tarkio R-I Superintendent Karma Coleman, Tarkio High School Principal Carrie Livengood, Tarkio Elementary Principal Kari Taylor, Markie Sundermann, Deyton Thompson, Shannon Bruns, Blu Dow, and Dallas Prather.

The board voted to approve the regular board meeting minutes from September 19, 2018, as well as the executive meeting minutes from September 19, 2018, and special board meeting minutes from October 3, 2018.

The board also approved the transfer of incidental funds to special revenue to pay certificated salaries, the consent agenda, and the districts obligations.

The CTA report, which was included in the board packet, was reviewed.

The board reviewed three bids received for the pole vault mats. Steve moved and Sam seconded to approve the low bid for $13,000.00 received from Just Vault. The motion carried 7-0.

Elementary Principal Taylor reported the enrollment is 206 students pre-k through 6th grade. The attendance is maintaining at 97%. The book fair was well attended. The students are looking forward to the upcoming Halloween parties.

Mrs. Livengood reported the attendance is at 96.1%. The NWEA assessments are finished. The EA Wolves volleyball team has earned the honor of being 275 Conference champions. Tarkio will be hosting volleyball districts and the first football district game.

Special Education Director Taylor stated The Tribal Brew coffee shop sponsored by the Life Skills class is doing great.

Superintendent Coleman stated that Marla Swaby is doing a great job keeping busy with paperwork for the free and reduced lunch program. Karma received the final dollar amount from Midwest Data for the sound system for HRC. The EA Wolves coop has been approved for the 2019-20 school year.    

The board agreed to move the November meeting to the 19th due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Rachel Meyer and Mrs. Coleman have put together the charges for the fitness center proposal. Lydia moved and Chris seconded to approve the membership rates. The motion carried 7-0

Lydia moved and Garrett seconded to approve the additional subs as presented.  The motion carried 7-0.

The meeting moved into closed session pursuant to RSMo 610.001, to record and vote at 8:31 p.m. The meeting moved back into open session at 8:53 pm. The motion carried 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.