This year at Fairfax Elementary School, the guidance classes are promoting volunteerism in our community! The district wants its students to feel the benefits of helping others and experience pride in their community. The 6th grade guidance class received the Youth Beautification Grant from Atchison County Development Corporation, which allowed the class to purchase paint for projects the kids chose. On the morning of October 18, the entire elementary got to help in completing the projects for that grant! Kindergarteners and 1st graders cleaned up the playground. Second and third graders painted picnic tables at the park and fourth through sixth graders split up to paint picnic tables, paint the track bathrooms, paint the concession stand at the baseball field and paint a small bridge. The kids had a great time helping and appreciate all the parents who sent in paint tools and Holly Swinehart for giving up her day to help paint. (Submitted by Marisa Hedlund, School Counselor)