The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met October 17, 2018, at 6:15 p.m. at Rock Port City Hall, with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding. Board members present were Ron Deatz, Lavon Paukert, Todd Stevens and Tim Taylor. Also present were Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood, Superintendent Trevor Hale, Utility Clerk Terri McGuire and City Clerk Emily Schulte.

A public hearing regarding water and sewer rates was scheduled for 6:00 p.m. in City Hall. No members of the community were in attendance. The board allowed 15 minutes before ending the hearing and calling the Board of Aldermen meeting to order.

Mayor Chamberlain called the meeting to order.

Taylor moved to approve the meeting agenda. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.

The September 19, 2018, meeting minutes were approved.

The City financial statements, accounts payables, tax report, delinquent tax list, and all board and departmental reports were also approved.

The aldermen voted to approve the Utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Clerk report and City Superintendent report.

Bill # 1196 – Amending Water & Sewer Rates was read by Taylor and approved by the aldermen. A second reading was read by Stevens. The second reading was approved and Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill #1196, Ordinance #1196.

The aldermen approved the 2019 Board of Aldermen meeting dates.

The aldermen approved Malisa Linthicum’s resignation from the Tourism Board. Mayor Chamberlain will present Malisa with a service award in recognition of her service and achievements in the betterment of our City and her outstanding contribution as a member of the Rock Port Tourism Board from August 2014 to July 2018.

Chief Sherwood reported 518 calls for the month of September which resulted in 43 reports, assistance of other agencies 21 times, and the issuing of 15 citations.

Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood report that he and Officer Chandler attended Desert Snow training in Tarkio, Missouri, September 5 and 6. MIRMA online training was conducted by each full-time officer. Chief Sherwood represented the Rock Port Police Department at Careers on Wheels September 28 at the Rock Port City Park.

Officer Chandler also represented the Rock Port Police Department and the Missouri Funeral Assistance Team September 10, 2018, after a Deputy Sheriff from Greene County, Missouri, lost his life in the line of duty.

City Clerk Emily Schulte reported on Judge Prokes’ recent visit to check in on the Municipal Court. The visit went well. It has also been suggested to Clerk Schulte by Judge Baird that a TV in the court room to loop information regarding defendant rights and court room rules would be an asset. Many courts are moving to this. It’s believed the TV could also be an asset for any other meetings held in City Hall for the purposes of projecting materials or media for all in attendance. Options and prices will be drawn up for consideration.

Superintendent Trevor Hale reported that the Snowden Drive project was delayed due to all of the rain we’ve had in recent weeks. The project is nearing completion and will hopefully be completed next week. However, during this time the crew was able to get caught up on a lot of maintenance items. Mill Street recently experienced a large break in a 6” main. The hydrovac once again proved its worth with the large amount of water they were dealing with.

Superintendent Hale also filled the Board in on additional problems the recent rain caused with the Burke Circle lift station and issues arising from the electrical pole recently struck by a vehicle. The search for filling open positions is continuing to move forward and as of now, one interview is scheduled. In spare time, winter preparations and planning have begun. Hale also reported the street sweeper being sold for $21,500.

Alderman Todd Stevens updated the Board on the JEO contract with the Park Board and recent project kick-off meeting with City officials.

Alderman Tim Taylor inquired about the City’s plans for the old water plant. A couple options were mentioned and will be discussed further at a later meeting.

Mayor Chris Chamberlain reported on the latest Community Council meeting. The utility rate increases were discussed. Mayor Chamberlain received positive feedback from citizens following a presentation of the current and proposed rate information. City workers were complimented for all of their recent hard work despite being shorthanded. The council attendees liked the idea of high school students helping to manufacture trash bins for Main Street. More recognition nights are being planned; ideas for groups to recognize are needed.

Mayor Chamberlain and the Board had discussion regarding welcoming visitors to attend meetings to voice opinions and ask questions of board members and city staff. The Board desires transparency between the City and its citizens.

The meeting was then adjourned.