Submitted by Leona Ray, Recording Secretary
We began our year by meeting at Aunt Martha’s for a luncheon. After a prayer by Betty Wennihan we enjoyed delicious food and friendly chatter.
Roll call was “What I did this summer for fun.” According to the answers our summer was full of fun. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the treasurer’s report was given. Both were approved. The Critic Report by Judy Holtz was: “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Great challenge for all of us.
New business: President Debbie Johnson suggested that we have only one meeting a month on the third Monday. A motion was made by Carolyn and seconded by Pam to approve the change. All approved and our next meeting will be November 19. Since we will be meeting in homes and other venues it was suggested that we send a letter of appreciation to the Methodist Church to thank them for allowing us to rent their fellowship hall for our meetings. All approved and letter will be sent by the corresponding secretary.
Several new names were submitted for membership. They were voted on by ballot and all approved. We will receive our club booklet at the next meeting due to several changes.
We forgot to recite the Bon Mot and Collect. I am sure the founding sisters weren’t very happy with us but we promise never to forget again. I write this with fingers crossed because, after all, we are still human.