November 11, 1993

• In “Bits & Wits by Uncle Fud”: Projects completed! J Highway is now open to two-way traffic without stoplights. It will be a test to see how asphalt spread in cold weather holds up. With J done, maybe they can give some attention to the slide on Highway 59 between here and Craig. From all the black tire marks on the road, there have been some close calls. The “roving reporter” reported the washout on Route N is now open.

November 7, 1968

• A perfect Halloween evening brought dozens of goblins and ghosts out to parade in the annual Fairfax Spook Parade last Thursday evening. The youngsters gathered at the city park and were judged in two classes before they paraded down Main Street. Winners were: youngest group – 1st, Cheryl Lynn Pierce; 2nd, Terry Kemerling; and 3rd, Jane Lawrence; and over 3rd grade group – 1st, Debbie Miller, 2nd, Rhonda Johnson and Becky Deatz; and 3rd, Danny Payton.

November 12, 1943

• This section of the country got its first touch of real winter this season Sunday and Monday when a storm almost of blizzard proportions swept over this territory. Snow to a probable depth of about two inches fell, and a high wind drifted it in places. All that kept roads from being blocked was lack of sufficient snow.

• Railroads operating in Missouri have been given a ten percent increase in intrastate passenger fares for the duration of the war and six months thereafter.