Jack Smith and Jim Giddinge present plaques to Pleasant View veterans Rex Siddens (Army), Jack Mehaffey (Air Force), Ernie Green (Army), and Gene Bradfield (Air Force). Not pictured is Reed Gebhards, Air Force.

Pleasant View Veterans Honored

Legionnaires Mary Kahn, Steve Duren, Jim Giddinge, Bud Harger and Jack Smith visited Pleasant View Nursing Home Friday, November 9, and honored veterans with a flag folding ceremony. Plaques were provided by SMM Hospice.

Steve Duren and Bud Harger fold the American flag while Mary Kahn explains the significance of each step.

Joe Stricklin, a 2005 graduate of RPHS, was the guest speaker at Rock Port’s Veterans Day assembly.

Around 30 local veterans attended the Veterans Day Assembly held at Rock Port R-II on Friday, November 9.

The Rock Port High School band performed at the Veterans Day Assembly held at Rock Port R-II on Friday, November 9.

Riley Vogler spoke at the Veterans Day Assembly held at Rock Port R-II on Friday, November 9.

Rock Port High School Assembly, Nov. 9, 2018

On Friday, November 9, veterans, citizens, and students of Rock Port High School attended a Veterans Day assembly. Seniors Riley Vogler and Zac Claus0n started the program off by welcoming everyone and reading the history of Veterans Day. American Legion Ralph Greer Post #49 folded the American flag.

Thomas Herron introduced guest speaker Joe Stricklin, a 2005 graduate of Rock Port High School. Joe joined the Missouri Army National Guard in April 2005 and served for eight years. He was assigned to the 1139th MP Co. in Harrisonville, Missouri, and reached the rank of Specialist. Joe lives in Olathe, Kansas, with his wife, Alisha, and two children, Mariyah and Josiah.

The Rock Port High School band played service songs, followed by a video presentation and a moment of silence in honor of the “11th Month, 11th Day, 11th Hour.”

“Taps” was performed by Rock Port High School Band Director Abby Palmer and student Jared Thomas. Following the assembly, veterans were invited to a lunch provided by the Rock Port Student Council.

Twenty-four veterans attended the Fairfax R-3 Veterans Day Assembly Monday, November 12, 2018. Each branch of the military was recognized.

Keith Wensel was the guest speaker at the Fairfax R-3 Veterans Day Assembly Monday, November 12, 2018.

Greenley Grossman and the other Fairfax preschoolers perform the “Remembrance Day Song” at the Fairfax R-3 Veterans Day Assembly Monday, November 12, 2018.

The Fairfax High School Choir sang the “Star Spangled Banner” at the Fairfax R-3 Veterans Day Assembly Monday, November 12, 2018.

Fairfax High School Assembly, Nov. 12, 2018

Fairfax R-3 students and faculty honored veterans with an assembly Monday, November 12, 2018, at Fairfax High School. Community members joined the school in recognizing 24 local veterans who were in attendance.

The ceremony began with the posting of the colors, followed by the high school choir singing the “Star Spangled Banner.” The preschoolers performed the “Remembrance Day Song.” The 7-12th grade history/band students presented the branches of government and spoke about each: Coast Guard – 8th grade; National Guard – 7th grade; Navy – 10th grade; Marines – 9th grade; Air Force – 11th grade; and Army – 12th grade. Kindergarten through 6th grade students performed “Stars and Stripes” by John Jacobson and Rollo Dilworth. The jr. high band performed “America the Beautiful” by Robert W. Smith. The Fairfax High School Band performed  the “Service Song” arranged by Jerry Burns. Keith Wensel was the guest speaker. He spoke about his years of service, having served in Vietnam twice and working on planes.

Fairfax Avenue of Flags

Debbie Sly and Bobbie Schooler stand next to the newest additions to the Fairfax Avenue of Flags at the Fairfax City Park. The flags honor Bob F. Coit, S1C, Navy, WWII, and Jerry Ryan, TEC 5, Army, WWII. The Avenue of Flags was put up this past weekend in recognition of Veterans Day, Sunday, November 11, 2018.

Tarkio Elementary kindergartners performed for the veterans in attendance at the Tarkio R-I Veterans Day Assembly Monday, November 12, and also presented them with handmade cards thanking them for their service. Pictured is Cayson Martin presenting his card to a veteran.

Tim Morehouse and Steven Hoffrogge, members of Allen-Schiffern American Legion Post #199, carry in the flags at the start of the Tarkio R-I Veterans Day Assembly Monday, November 12.

Alexis Brown, Devin Guajardo, and Aaron Schlueter play “Taps” during the Tarkio R-I Veterans Day Assembly Monday, November 12.

Tarkio High School Assembly, Nov. 12, 2018

Tarkio R-I students and faculty honored veterans with an assembly Monday, November 12, 2018, at Tarkio High School. Community members joined the school in recognizing between 30 to 40 local veterans who were in attendance. The Tarkio Elementary kindergartners sang a song and presented the veterans with cards. The guest speaker was Jerry  Simerly, a 1981 graduate of Mound City, Missouri, High School and he was a part of the 82nd Airborne Rangers. Jerry shared some of his reasons for joining the service, as well as where he had served. He also shared how serving allowed him to continue his education, still to this day.  Jerry’s daughter read a message from Jerry’s wife about how his service has influenced their family. High school students Lily Graves and Jake McEnaney also spoke at the assembly. Alexis Brown, Devin Guajardo, and Aaron Schlueter, Tarkio High School band members, played “Taps.”

The History Behind Veterans Day:

Great Britain, France and other countries celebrate November 11 as Armistice Day to commemorate the ending of World War I on that day in 1918.

In 1919 President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as Armistices in the United States to remind Americans of the tragedies of war.

Armistice Day was proclaimed a national holiday in 1938.

Congress changed the name of Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954 to honor all United States veterans.

Veterans Day commemorates the courage and patriotism of all the men and women who have served in the United State military. This year’s Veterans Day marks the 100th anniversary of the armistice signed by the warring countries to end fighting in World War I.