Here are a few pictures of the deer that were harvested and posted in the area. Congratulations to all the hunters and remember to stay safe in the woods.
Kinley Lair
Micah Meyerkorth
Wyatt Driskell
Tyler Heits and Baleigh Ohrt
Cowen O’Riley with a 10 point buck for his first deer.
Nichole Wallace
Kenny Wallace
Kim Daugherty
Briar Daugherty
Dylan Lair
Gina Peshek
Harlee Pritt age 15. Nine point with a drop tine. Taken 2nd day opening weekend.
Jeff Jones
Ryder Herron
Preliminary Results Show Atchison County Hunters Harvested Over 300 Deer
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) shows that deer hunters in Missouri harvested a near-record 199,427 deer during the November portion of fall firearms deer season, Nov. 10- 20. Of the 199,427 deer harvested, 102,930 were antlered bucks, 19,924 were button bucks, and 76,573 were does.
Top harvest counties were Franklin with 4,021 deer checked, Howell with 3,858, and Callaway with 3,695.
Last year hunters checked 192,797 deer during the 2017 November portion of firearms deer season with 100,161 being antlered bucks, 20,267 being button bucks, and 72,369 being does.
The recent-record season was 2012 with 204,668 deer harvested, including 87,368 antlered bucks, 27,143 button bucks, and 90,157 does.
For current ongoing preliminary harvest totals by season, county, and type of deer, visit the MDC website at For harvest summaries from past years, visit