December 2, 1993
• Rev. Sharon Lodygowski, the pastor of the Fairfax and Craig Presbyterian Churches, was chosen almost unanimously for the “Citizen of the Year” in a contest sponsored by the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce.
• Thanksgiving Day was slick in Fairfax this year. A winter storm moved into the area Tuesday night and continued through Wednesday, leaving things covered with ice. There was a dusting of snow Wednesday night and by Thanksgiving morning streets were slick, slick, slick. Many accidents and falls were reported.
November 28, 1968
• Saturday, November 30, opens the Yuletide season in Fairfax and merchants have made big plans for helping you solve your Christmas needs. A treasure hunt will be a special feature of this season and cooperating merchants will be giving valuable gifts to holders of lucky numbers. Examine the sample copy of the Forum you receive this week. It has a number on the front page which will be your family number for the four weeks of the event.
• The Fairfax junior high Bulldogettes won their first game of the season Monday night as they topped the Mound City cagers by a 38-27 score. Scoring for the game saw Rita Hawkins leading with 14, followed by Becky Jones with 10, Nita Harmes with 8, and Debbie O’Riley with 6.
December 3, 1943
• “The following clipping from the Shorthorn World will be of interest to Forum readers: ‘Edward White, Pine Hill Farm, Fairfax, Missouri, is willing to concede that the bull is half the herd, but insists that he must have cooperation from the cows. This year his Bellows bred herd bull has sired calves to the proportion of 110% of his cows. He said this couldn’t have happened if three of the cows hadn’t dropped twin calves. All of the calves are healthy and are growing well. One cow that had twin bull calves this year had twin heifers last year. Her ear tag is number 13. The twins were sired by Supereme Royal Baron 2nd that won 1st prize at the Missouri State Fair for Bellows Bros.’”
• A deal was closed Wednesday in which B.C. Miller sold his 100 acre farm, six miles southwest of Fairfax, to Donald Sawyer of Rock Port. The price was $100 per acre.