Atchison County juniors visited the Avalanche in Tarkio on one of their stops during Atchison County Development Corporation’s Youth Professionalism Workshop and tours November 19, 2018.

Atchison County Development Corporation invited Atchison County juniors to a Youth Professionalism Workshop, as well as tours of local businesses, on Monday, November 19, 2018. The goal of the event was to show the students that there are many career opportunities and possibilities for success in Atchison County.

The students started their day at the Tarkio Resource Center, learning about how to get a job and keep it (Corey Martin and Sage Jones with Enel Green Power); how to look professional for an interview (Elizabeth Brown with Dusty Trail); and tools needed by the entrepreneur (Keli Morris with Northwest Missouri Enterprise Faciliation). Kent Fisher continued the discussion with his “Always on an Interview” talk. Allen Andrews, District 1 State Representative, spoke about service, cottage manufacturing, and possibilities! Ann Schlueter with Community Hospital-Fairfax, Bill Slaughter with ag/natural resources, Dennis Martin with the Atchison County Sheriff’s Department, Julie Hurst with Hurst Greenery, and Amber Graham with Ella&Grey also discussed the opportunities in their fields.

The juniors then traveled to Bank Midwest, Midwest Data Center, and Tarkio Avalanche to hear about local job opportunities from Linda Dewhirst with Cooper Nuclear Station (industrial/engineering technology), Jason Watkins from Midwest Data Center (business management and technology), and W.C. Farmer from the Atchison County Mail/Tarkio Avalanche (arts and communications). The kids also traveled to Community Hospital-Fairfax where they were provided with lunch.