December 3, 1943
The Rock Port, Langdon and Northern reports that during the past 90 days the Rock Port Feed Co. has shipped from the local station a total of 100 cars of corn, consigned to numerous points, the furthest being Martin, Tennessee. These have been 100,000 pound capacity cars, averaging some 2,000 bushels to the car, which means that the feed company has forwarded no less than 200,000 bushels of corn to outside points. Shipments are continuing at the rate of 8 or 10 cars a week and at the present rate of shipment will break all records of corn forwarded from the local station during the many years the railroad has been in operation.
December 5, 1968
Breaking and entering charges have been filed against five young men, after it was discovered that the Home Oil Company, Westboro, suffered the loss of 27 tires and one battery valued at $718.50 on Dec. 1. Trooper T. E. Pfaff of the State Highway Patrol was operating radar on U.S. 59 Dec. 2, and picked up a car which resulted in four youths being charged with breaking and entering and a warrant issued for the fifth. Twenty-five of the tires were recovered. Investigating the break-in were the Highway Patrol and the sheriff.
December 2, 1993
The levees in western Atchison County have been repaired and are near completion with dirt work and seeding to be completed this week. The $4,500,000 spent to repair the three breaks is funded by the Corps of Engineers. Midwest Construction and Big River Construction have done the work on the breaks. A total of 115,000 tons of gravel and sand were hauled in to fill the breaks, plus 10 feet of dirt. In addition, the big break across from Brownville had 32 foot pilings driven in over a 350 foot stretch. The sand is 32 feet deep below the levee. The Corps’ money is fixing up five miles of the 58 miles of levee and the Levee District is looking at having to grade and repair the levee tops on the remaining 53 miles at a cost of around $2,800 per mile. There is some money coming from FEMA to help with this work.