The Atchison County Commission met Thursday, November 15, 2018.  Present were: North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission. Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood was absent.

South District Commissioner Burke called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.

Monthly department reports were reviewed and approved.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.


The Commission attended the 47th annual Missouri Association of Counties Conference on Nov. 20.


The Atchison County Courthouse was closed November 22 for Thanksgiving.


The Commission met Tuesday, November 27, 2018.  Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Bills were reviewed, approved and ordered paid.

The commission completed the survey for Great Northwest Day at the Capitol outlining issues important to Atchison County.

Clerk Taylor reviewed details of the meeting with the Public Service Commission and Ameren.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.