December 9, 1993
• Over The Back Fence by Nancy Gaines: “This week the phone rang and when I picked up the receiver, it went dead. This happened four times when finally an irate gal on the other end shouted to me ‘Please leave your phone on the hook so I can get this fax to you!’ Well, did I have a surprise for her, as we have no fax! She didn’t even apologize, she was just mad.”
• This week’s senior spotlight is Heidi Heitman. Heidi likes to read, watch the news, and listen to music. “I Love Rock and Roll” by Joan Jett and “Respect” by Aretha Franklin are her favorites. One of Heidi’s pet peeves is people who can’t hit tip shots in games of “horse.” The person who inspired her the most in her life was her grandma Pat “because she is independent, courageous, and is a hard working lady.”
December 5, 1968
• If experience counts, the latest addition to Fairfax Community Hospital now taking shape should have a brick exterior second to none quality-wise. Albert Arendsee, who is doing the work with his son, Carl, has been in the trade for 61 years, starting in 1907. Albert, who will reach his 83rd birthday in March, offers no excuses for inadequacies, for he places as many bricks as accurately as a craftsman half his age. The Arendsees commute to Fairfax daily from College Springs, Iowa, some 30 miles north.
December 10, 1943
• In observance of Women’s Day, the women of the Christian church had charge of and conducted the services at that church last Sunday. Mrs. Newell Green acted as Sunday school superintedent and Mrs. Charles Moore as secretary. At the church services, Miss Grace Finch presented Mrs. Emma C. Whitford a corsage of roses, honoring her as the oldest member of the church, a faithful attendant, and one who has seen her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren grow up in the church. Mrs. Whitford and Mrs. Ray Whitford presided at the communion table, acting as elders, while Mrs. Newell Green, Mrs. Richard Pearce, Mrs. Charles Moore and Miss Grace Finch acted as deacons and served communion.