The Tarkio R-I Board of Education met November 19, 2018, at Tarkio High School. The meeting was called to order by Board President Jeff Meyer at 7:00 p.m. with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Attending the meeting were: board members – Jeff Meyer, Chris Yates, Steve Klute, Jamie Barnett, Sam Hannah, Garrett Wood, Lydia Hurst, and board secretary Diane Hicks; administrators – Tarkio High School Principal Carrie Livengood, Tarkio Elementary Principal Kari Taylor, and Tarkio R-I Superintendent Karma Coleman; and staff – Markie Sundermann, Deyton Thomson, Jen Peregrine, Blu Dow, Amanda Powell, and Dallas Prather.
The consent agenda was approved as well as the regular and executive meeting minutes from October 17, 2018. The transfer of incidental funds to special revenue to pay certificated salaries was approved. The board voted to approve the filing dates for the Tarkio R-I Board of Education, opening date December 11, 2018, and closing date January 15, 2019. The district obligations were also approved.
Steve moved and Sam seconded to approve the draw down payment to Controlled Technology Solutions (CTS) in the amount of $560,335.70. The motion carried 7-0.
Elementary Principal Taylor said October attendance is holding steady as the prior month. The new testing window is to open December 3 and run through December 14. The climbing wall has been installed and has been a big hit with the students.
High School Principal- Carrie Livengood reported the parent/teacher conferences were well attended. On October 31, the students enjoyed being recognized for perfect attendance and being on the honor roll.
Special Education Director Kari Taylor reported the life skills coffee shop and baking cookies is going very well. The Special Education Department is receiving more referrals. The Map A has also begun.
Superintendent Karma Coleman handed out some interesting reading on the medical marijuana issue. The ACT report looks great. Mrs. Coleman has been working hard on the HRC membership and waiver.
The board members reviewed the snow removal bids. The only bid received was from Chris King. The board members approved the bid from Chris King for snow removal.
Two different names were talked about for the Heartland Recreation Center facility. However, at this time, no action was taken.
A change order (a change from the original planned document in the construction) was accepted in the amount of $14,335.55. A second change order in the amount of $10,000.00 credit was also accepted to do epoxy flooring. Steve moved and Jamie seconded to approve the first change order in the amount of $14,335.55. The motion carried 7-0. Steve moved and Jamie seconded to approve the second change order for the credit of $10,000.00. The motion carried 7-0.
Mrs. Coleman thoroughly reviewed the budget. Chris moved and Garrett seconded to approve the budget. The motion carried 7-0.
Brickyard Hill Wind Farm – The school district had our attorney file an application to intervene by the deadline of Friday, November 2, and the State Tax Commission granted it.
Board Policy/Form 6180-ELL – The district is in the middle of a federal program review this year. An ELL coordinator must be approved for documentation. Steve moved and Jamie seconded to approve the Board Policy/Form 6180-ELL as presented and the superintendent be the ELL coordinator. The motion carried 7-0.
Steve moved and Jamie seconded to approve the job description for the Title One Teacher. The motion carried 7-0.
Steve moved and Jamie seconded to approve $300 per month for Christina Hall and Shelbey Morris for dance instruction. The motion carried 7-0.
Steve moved and Jamie seconded to pay Christina Hall $23.00 per hour for gymnastics instruction. The motion carried 7-0.
The board members voted to move the meeting into closed session to discuss, record and vote pursuant to RSMo 610.001-610.022. Roll call vote: Chris yes, Steve yes, Jamie yes, Sam yes, Garrett yes, Lydia yes, and Jeff yes at 8:35 p.m. The board voted to move the meeting back into open session. Roll call vote: Chris yes, Steve yes, Jamie yes, Sam yes, Garrett yes, Lydia yes, and Jeff yes. Chris moved and Steve seconded to reinstate Starla Livengood from administrative l leave to full duty. The motion carried 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:54 p.m.