The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, November 14, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. at Tarkio City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. City Clerk Becky Jones gave roll call: aldermen Blu Dow, Mike Klosek, Jr., and Andy Riley were present, alderman Scott Poppa was absent. Visitors present were: Brittany Vogler and Amber Rollins from the Tarkio Park Board; city employees Chief Tyson Gibbons, Officer Adam Stanton and Park/Animal Control Superintendent Chris Hogue; and JoLynn Whittington and Mike Klosek, Sr.

Mayor Morehouse called the regular meeting to order. The mayor asked for approval of the minutes of the October 10, 2018, regular meeting as distributed. The minutes were approved.

Announcement: 2019 Election – One alderman from the North Ward and one form the South Ward will be up for election in 2019. Scott Poppa and Andy Riley’s positions are the ones that are up. Filings open December 11, 2018, at 8:00 a.m. and close January 15, 2019, at 5:00 p.m.

The 2006 pickup used by the Street Department is needing repairs. Klosek made a motion to have the 2006 pickup repaired and turned over to the Animal Control/Parks Department. The motions passed.

The city’s code book has not been updated for over a year. An approximate cost of $825.00 to $955.00 to update the code book with general code was received. Dow made a motion to approve the update of the code book. The motions passed.

JoLynn Whittington was in attendance to give an update on the health insurance for employees. Dow made a motion to go with option #7 with Blue Cross Blue Shield. The motion passed.



Blu Dow, Tarkio Fire Department: No report.

Michael Klosek, Tarkio City Buildings: The two poles that needed changed have been moved and there is better lighting now at the Community Building.

Andy Riley, Tarkio Street Department: The skid steer was returned on November 13 from Kansas City. The repairs were quite extensive, and the whole hydrostat system was replaced. Shane Hogue and Jamie Quimby have been trying to become acclimated to the new salt spreader and snow blade on the new F350 pickup. One person dumped a piece of furniture and the Police Department issued a summons. The brush pile will have to be burned later in the fall. We assisted with removal of the old asphalt cemetery driveway. Mike Poppa assisted the city in removing several trees that were dangerous. Twenty to 30 tons of salt and chat have been mixed. All of the new chairs at the community building have been marked. Some alley lights have not been changed over to the new style light and some of them are not working and do not get repaired. It was learned that these are considered private area lights and a property owner has to claim the light to pay the monthly fee in order for KCP&L to maintain these lights. KCP&L will assist the city by putting up the Christmas lights on the poles. Shane and Jamie are going to try to have the Merry Christmas and Holiday Greetings signs up soon.

Scott Poppa, City Parks: No report.

Chief Gibbons, Tarkio Police Department: Gibbons reported there were 109 stops and cases filed.

Chris Hogue, Tarkio Animal Control: Hogue gave a report on a dog issue that has been resolved.

Mayor Timothy Morehouse: There is a shut off to be placed on the meter at the Doug Summa Memorial Park by Meek and Sons to allow the water to be shut off at the bathroom.

Adam Stanton, Building Inspector: No report.

Clerk Jones, City Financials: Jones asked if anyone had questions on the October 2018 financials. Jones requested to change the meeting date for March 2019. Riley made a motion to have the March meeting on the 6th. Klosek seconded the motion, three ayes voted to accept the motion and the second.

The aldermen voted to pay the outstanding bills and then the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. The next regular meeting will be December 12, 2018.