December 16, 1993

• “Bits and Wits” by Uncle Fud: “Only 8 more shopping days left and must hurry and get the shopping done. This is the time of year when things get more frantic; trying to get that just right present when your money is short and time also. You think you have got it all figured out and then a light comes on in your mind, TAXES.”

• On Wednesday, December 8, the FHA and FFA members journeyed through town to sing Christmas carols. They walked to Fair Haven and other homes throughout Fairfax. After singing, the group returned to the home economics room for refreshments.

December 12, 1968

• Miss Judy Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Martin of Fairfax, as an outstanding senior home economics student, was selected to be a member of the McCall’s Magazine Teen Fashion Board. McCall’s Teen Fashion Board is an international group whose opinions and activities are used by McCall’s Magazine as typical of today’s youth.

• Another Kiwanis-sponsored corn yield contest has been conducted with much success. This year a record was set with 16 vo-ag youths participating. Top yield was attained by Lee Dill with a yield of 180.40 bushels from his test plot.

December 17, 1943

• Members of the American Legion and Auxiliary and their families enjoyed their annual turkey supper at the school building Monday evening and had as their guests the members of the Fairfax Board of Education. About 65 were present and four turkeys with the trimmings were served. The turkeys came from the Donelson turkey farm.

• School News: The general science class wishes to thank Mrs. Claire Whitford for her time taken in demonstrating to us the hot-air furnace. The Fairfax Bulldogs defeated the Watson basketball boys by a margin of 30-19 Friday night.