The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, November 28, 2018, at Rock Port City Hall at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding. Board members present were Ron Deatz, Lavon Paukert, Todd Stevens and Tim Taylor. Also present were Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood, Superintendent Trevor Hale, Utility Clerk Terri McGuire and City Clerk Emily Schulte. Visitors present were MIRMA Loss Control Specialist Jeff Arp and Atchison County Collector Diane Livengood.

Mayor Chamberlain called the meeting to order.

Deatz moved to approve the meeting agenda. Taylor seconded. All votes aye.

Paukert moved to approve the October 17, 2018, meeting minutes. Stevens seconded. All votes aye.

County Collector Diane Livengood was present to discuss properties with three or more years of delinquent real estate taxes in Rock Port. Ms. Livengood answered questions from the board and discussed options available moving forward with the properties.

MIRMA Specialist Jeff Arp presented the City of Rock Port with a certificate recognizing the city’s participation in the association’s Risk Management Awards Program. Chief Sherwood and Superintendent Hale each submitted grants for equipment and both were awarded funds. The City was awarded a total of $2,047.80. Sherwood and Hale were both commended for their efforts.

The aldermen voted to approve the city financial statements, accounts payables, tax report, delinquent tax list, and all board and departmental reports.

They also voted to approve the utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Clerk report and City Superintendent report.

Superintendent Hale and Clerk McGuire presented information regarding the Power Adjustment Factor. According to Missouri Public Utility Alliance, it is no longer used as common practice with utility billing. In addition, electric customers tend to be confused by the additional credit/debit on their monthly bill and the complex process carries risk of miscalculation.

Stevens moved to remove the Power Adjustment Factor from the Electrical Rate Ordinances. Taylor seconded. All votes aye.

Superintendent Hale suggested an update to Policy 3-5: Repair. The current rates for use of city equipment are outdated and low.

Taylor moved to approve updating rates with Policy 3-5: Repair as suggested. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.

Chief Sherwood presented a request for the implementation of on-call pay for the Rock Port Police Department’s three full-time officers in lieu of raises. Officers are called out multiple times per week outside of their regularly scheduled shift. Four options were presented to the board for review.

Stevens moved to approve Option 2 in the proposal to implement on-call pay for the Police Department. Paukert seconded. Deatz, Paukert, and Stevens voted aye. Taylor voted nay.

The 2019 city budget draft was reviewed.

The 2019 park budget draft was reviewed.

The Policy 2-15 agenda item was tabled.

The 2018 utility budget draft was reviewed.

City Clerk Emily Schulte presented the board with the three responses received from the city’s request for proposals for HR services. Bid results were as follows:

• McGrath Human Resources Group – Wonder Lake, IL, $15,069.00

• Kmet Consulting – Gravois Mills, MO, $5,775.00

• OMNI Human Resource Management – Overland Park, KS, no amount given

Stevens moved to approve the bid from Kmet Consulting for requested HR services. The cost is to be shared amongst all departments. Deatz seconded. All votes aye. Alderman Stevens suggested revisiting utilizing McGrath’s firm at a future date.

Mayor Chamberlain reported complaints received from football game fireworks. After discussion, the topic will be revisited if it happens to be an issue again in the future.

Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood reported 596 calls and incidents for the month of October which resulted in 82 reports and the assistance of other agencies 14 times.

Chief Sherwood, Officer Morriss, Officer Chandler, Reserve Officer Zach and Reserve Officer Houghton conducted rifle and handgun recertification on October 26, 2018. MIRMA online training was additionally conducted by each full-time officer.

Chief Sherwood also reported that officers handed out candy on Halloween as well as conducted sex-offender compliance checks. Park patrol and routine business checks were conducted throughout the month. Donations are now being accepted for Shop with a Cop, which will take place on December 21.

City Clerk Emily Schulte reported that election filing begins at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, and ends at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. North Ward Alderman Ron Deatz, South Ward Alderwoman Lavon Paukert, and Mayor Chris Chamberlain are up for election this year. Terms are two year terms ending April 2021.

Clerk Schulte reported website updates will be happening if anyone has suggestions. A follow-up meeting has been scheduled with JEO Consulting on December 12, at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Pool Rehabilitataion report. Lastly, renewals for business and pet licenses have been set up to have an option to fill out the forms and pay online starting in 2019. The information will be sent out in the coming weeks.

Superintendent Trevor Hale reported on the recent snow fall. Snow blades have been purchased with proceeds from equipment sales, causing no impact to the budget. The Tool Cat has proven itself useful again and has been a great asset to the snow removal process.

The suggested concrete street repair list for 2019 was presented as follows:

1) Hillside Drive – Fairlane Court

2) Manor Circle approach

3) East Ridge Court approach

4) Calhoun Street / Market Street – Nebraska Street

5) Clay Street/Main – alley

The remaining chip seal and fog seal work will be completed in 2019.

The aldermen voted to approve the street improvement and repair list for 2019.

Superintendent Hale reported that a lot of time has been spent winterizing, but the task has been completed. The utility side has been slow, but they have been working on getting a grain elevator operational and giving assistance to the Memorial Building construction as lines need raised.

Superintendent Hale also reported that Sam Lansdown has officially retired as of early November, but will continue to work for the City part-time. Lansdown has been with the City of Rock Port since January 1985.

Mayor Chris Chamberlain complimented both the Police and Street departments for their efforts with the last large snowfall.

Stevens moved to adjourn into executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Section 610.021(3) RSMo. Paukert seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Stevens, Deatz, Paukert and Taylor voted aye. Nay – none. Absent – none.

Deatz moved to adjourn executive session and resume regular session. Paukert seconded. All votes aye.

Stevens moved to approve the recommendations made in executive session. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.

The meeting was then adjourned.