Amie Schleicher, Regional Livestock Specialist and Sam O’Riley, 4-H Youth Program Associate, University of Missouri Extension, University of Missouri Extension
4-H and FFA members with beef cattle projects should mark their calendars for an important upcoming event.
The market beef weigh-day for the 2018 Atchison County Fair is set for Saturday, January 6, 9:00-10:00 a.m., at the Atchison County Veterinary Clinic in Tarkio.
Cattle will be weighed for the rate-of-gain contest. Youth interested in nominating their animals for the Missouri State Fair or the Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H Stock Show can also have that taken care of at weigh-day. Nominations for Ak-Sar-Ben will be $6 per animal.
Market livestock are not required to be weighed-in at the official weigh-days. Those steers and market heifers that are not weighed at weigh-day, however, will not be eligible for in-county champion at the livestock show.
If you have any questions, please contact the Fair Board, or the University of Missouri Extension Center at 660-744-6231 or