FC Food Country, with the help of their customers, worked throughout December to help fill the shelves of the Rock Port Ministerial Alliance’s Food Pantry. The FC Food Country staff assembled pre-packed grocery sacks of food and supplies that customers could purchase along with their own groceries at the check-out counter. The groceries bags were filled with items ranging in price from $7 to $35.

On December 27, the last bag was sold and delivered to the Food Pantry. Store manager Mina Hopkins said they were hoping to fill one cart and they were very pleased with the community’s response. The goal of one cart was surpassed with a total of six carts. The carts contained $811.81 worth of food, totaling 747 pounds, which is enough to provide approximately 622 meals for those in need. Thank you to every patron who donated to this food drive and made a difference for the community.