January 6, 1994

• Steve Cottle of St. Louis, an avid and competitive runner, was thrilled to come back home for Christmas and enjoy his usual morning run on such an improvement for Fairfax, the new walking/running track at the football field. The track became a reality through the combined efforts of Fairfax Community Betterment, Fairfax Optimist Club, and several donors. Steve said, “I’ve never run on this field with such ease. When I was in school we did our practicing here but had to do our running in the country. This is a great asset for the students and community.”

January 2, 1969

• A one-word description of the weather – terrible! Ice-covered roads and streets have kept traffic at a minimum since December 21. The initial covering has been added to by continuing ice and sleet storms. Near zero temperature with snow flurries Monday did not help the situation.

January 7, 1944

• Fifty-six years down life’s pathway together. That is the record of Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Williams of Fairfax. They were married at Imperial, Nebraska, January 6, 1888. Mr. Williams is a native of Atchison County, having been born near Milton March 3, 1861. Mrs. Williams, who was Miss Amanda Dunnigan, is a native of Indiana, and was born May 21, 1871.