The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, December 19, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. at Rock Port City Hall with Mayor Chris Chamberlain presiding. Board members present were Ron Deatz, Lavon Paukert, and Tim Taylor. Alderman Todd Stevens was absent. Also present were Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood, Superintendent Trevor Hale, Utility Clerk Terri McGuire, and City Clerk Emily Schulte. Visitors were Nick Andrews, Cory Ashford, and Sam Lansdown.
Mayor Chamberlain called the meeting to order.
The aldermen voted to approve the meeting agenda, and the November 28, 2018, meeting minutes.
Nick Andrews was present to discuss the possibility of future road improvements to 4th Street. Discussion was held on different options. It was decided that both Andrews and the city would do additional research and reconvene at the March 20 meeting to discuss further.
Cory Ashford was present to discuss the ban on certain dog breeds within city limits. Chief Sherwood informed Ashford that he would personally be looking into the ordinances. He asked that the matter be revisited at the February 20 meeting.
Mayor Chamberlain presented Sam Lansdown with certificate of appreciation for his 33 years of service to the city. Lansdown announced his retirement this winter, but will continue with the city in a part-time capacity. City employees and board members expressed appreciation for all Sam has done and continues to do.
The aldermen voted to approve the city financial statements, accounts payables, tax report, delinquent tax list, and all board and departmental reports.
They also voted to approve the utility financial statements, accounts payables, purchased power and water statements, take or pay water use report, water loss reports, Utility Clerk report and City Superintendent report.
Taylor moved to adjourn into executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Section 610.021(3) RSMo. Deatz seconded. Roll call vote was taken. Deatz, Paukert and Taylor voted aye. Nay – none. Stevens was absent.
Taylor moved to adjourn executive session and resume regular session. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.
Taylor moved to approve the recommendations made in executive session. Deatz seconded. All votes aye.
Bill #1197 – Adopting 2019 City Budget was read by Taylor. The aldermen voted to approve the first reading. The second reading was read by Deatz. The aldermen voted to approve the second reading. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill #1197, Ordinance #1197.
Bill #1198 – Adopting 2019 Utility Budget was read by Taylor. The aldermen voted to approve the first reading. The second reading was read by Paukert. The aldermen voted to approve the second reading. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill #1198, Ordinance #1198.
Bill #1199 – Adopting 2019 Park Budget was read by Deatz. The aldermen voted to approve the first reading. The second reading was read by Taylor. The aldermen voted to approve the second reading. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill #1199, Ordinance #1199.
Bill #1190, Repealing Section 700.080 Electrical Rates for Residential Customers and Adopting New Section, was read by Paukert. The aldermen voted to approve the first reading. The second reading was read by Deatz. The aldermen voted to approve the second reading. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill #1190, Ordinance #1190.
Bill #1191, Repealing Section 700.090 Electrical Rates for Commercial Customers and Adopting New Section, was read by Taylor. The aldermen voted to approve the first reading. The second reading was read by Paukert. The aldermen voted to approve the second reading. Mayor Chamberlain declared Bill #1191, Ordinance #1191.
Main Street holiday decorations were discussed. A couple of business owners have requested additional light pole decoration. Everything the city has is currently on display. As more sections of the sidewalks will likely be redone in the near future, new decorations might be needed for all of the light poles. The Chamber of Commerce will be invited to the March 20 meeting for further discussion.
Kmet Consulting reached out regarding the HR study. They supplied the city with items to gather before an initial visit will be set up. The board asked that Kmet Consulting be invited to the March 20 meeting.
After pricing out new trash receptacles for Main Street, it was decided it would be more cost and time effective to purchase rather than build. City officials plan to reach out to other organizations regarding a cost-sharing initiative. The Tourism Board, Chamber of Commerce, Atchison County Development Corporation, and Restore Rock Port were among the groups discussed.
Chief of Police Shannon Sherwood explained the current case number process. Shop with a Cop will be held on December 21. All of the Aldermen and Mayor were invited to come along. Rock Port and Tarkio are working together on this initiative and are taking 22 children shopping and to visit Santa. Chief Sherwood expressed his gratitude towards everyone who donated to this wonderful cause.
Chief Sherwood reported 653 calls and incidents for the month of November which resulted in 69 reports and assistance of other agencies seven times.
City Clerk Emily Schulte gave an update on 2019 City licenses.
Superintendent Trevor Hale reported on the last snowfall and water leak issues they have been experiencing.
Mayor Chris Chamberlain announced another upcoming Community Council meeting will be planned for the beginning of 2019. He also requested that city officials and department heads come up with a few highlights from 2018 along with goals / projects for the 2019 calendar year.
The meeting was then adjourned.